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View Full Version : So tired of worrying about health

10-11-17, 16:33
Hi, for the past two and a half years I've suffered from serious health anxiety. There are a lot of symptoms which i just want to get off my chance here all at once and get others feedback on.

It started when i began getting slight pains in my stomach and having funny bowel movements and bloating. i'm 22 and have been diagnosed with ibs in my childhood, however, this went away when I was around 15/16 as i lost weight and the symptoms seemed to disappear completely. I thought it could be ibs rearing its head again as I was very stressed at the time but something just didn't seem right and I began to worry a ridiculous amount to the point that I felt ill each day due to this. Since then I have been able to convince myself each day that I have something seriously wrong with me and it is just so exhausting and making me feel so depressed in life.
I know to some extent that this is in my head but there are some actual symptoms which do exist in my body and they're really bugging me. My stomach no longer hurts but my bowel movements have decreased to once a day, and my stomach is very sensitive to my diet, which it was not in the past.

Back when I was extremely constipated I passed a stool that it was so hard that it ripped my anus and made it bleed, since then my anus has been swollen shut, a hemorrhoid will occasionally pop out but will go back in after using medication. However, it is still swollen shut most of the time.

On top of this I have had bubbly/frothy urine and a smelly penis which comes and goes and is annoying me as it's very embarrassing. I wash it and within hours it smells again as well as dribbling after going to the toilet no matter how long i stand and try and shake the drops off.

Another symptom which occurred around the same time is chronic nasal congestion. My nose is blocked all of the time and I can't smell much and it never runs, it will switch from one nostril to the other depending on which side i'm lying on. This was accompanied by a small lump in my neck which started off really big and shrank to a small piece of gristle, but has not fully gone away in two years.

The skin on my legs will at times itch and bite like marks will appear and bleed and not heal for months, and even when they do heal it leaves marks. It never fully goes away.

All of this has driven me crazy and it is on my mind constantly making life very hard to live, I am so exhausted each day because of it and I feel so off. I do to some extent feel healthy, as nothing is affecting me in such a physical way that I can't be mobile, however i have gained so much weight since all of this began and i'm really spiraling out of control. I can't help think that I have some kind of cancer which has spread throughout my body and that is what's causing all of these ailments at once, I have been to the doctors about things but they never really follow through and i feel like they don't take me seriously. I wish i could go to them and just tell them everything at once and get each thing checked out but that seems impossible. If anyone can shed some light on this and what they think might be happening to my body I would really appreciate it. Even reading this back my writing is terrible, because I literally lack the brain capacity and concentration to read and write things coherently due to the lack of stress in my life.

kind regards,


10-11-17, 17:20
You live in the UK. Unless you're willing to pay privately, you only get access to the kind of tests and "follow through" that you're longing for if there is indication of a clinical need. In your case, there is no such indication, so I recommend giving up on that whole idea, because it isn't going to happen unless something actually occurs that makes the doctors recognise a need for it.

It's not that the doctors aren't taking you seriously. It's that their response is in line with the evidence they see. If the doctors are putting things down to anxiety, then that's all the light shed that you need. What have the doctors actually said about the various things you mention?