View Full Version : New to Citalopram

10-11-17, 19:14
Hello all,
This site is great and i have been reading through a lot of the posts and decided to make an account.
I've had generalized anxiety for a while, im 30 yrs old and have noticed it just gets worse as i get older. I've never had a full blown anxiety attack, but there are countless times where i have been really anxious and shaking in certain situations.
Finally decided to do something about it and am currently 2.5 weeks in on 20mg of citalopram.
The first week was absolutely terrible. I had 3 full blown anxiety/panic attacks which really freaked me out since i've never felt that before. Those stopped after about the first week. Then came the bowel movements and upset stomach. That is now starting to fade as well.
My current symptom which i read is some pretty bad muscle tension. Again, this was something i never had before starting citalopram. I'v read that people usually develop this in your back, neck and shoulder area.
While i do have some tension in my shoulders most of it is in my pecs. They have been pretty tensed for the past 3 days. Has anyone ever experienced this side effect specifically in their chest muscles? Not heart rate, tight chest etc....but your actual pec muscles? Im hoping this will eventually subside too.
Im an avid gym goer and im even scared to work out cuz it feels like im gonna tear something if i do, and ironically working out is suppose to help anxiety and stress. They have yet to fully cramp and just seem to be extremely tensed in certain positions. Any feedback would be great. Thanks!

16-11-17, 19:29
Hi there

I have been on anxiety off an on over the years for anxiety. It has always worked for me so I have no idea why I decided to try going off it! Recently I have had to to back on it after being pill free for a year or so..

I had for gotten how horrible it is to get on. Increased anxiety is the worst, just feeling rank in general. However from past experience this does pass after a few weeks.

I've been back on it 2.5 weeks now and know in months time i will be so glad I stuck it out - as you will. This initial period is just the anxiety having a battle with the citalopram.

The aches and pains, stomach upsets etc are all part of the the initial hit and will pass. I also go to the gym and was wondering earlier if I had been over doing it but it is definitely the pills giving me something else to be anxious about. You will get through this as will I. We got this :)