View Full Version : Finger tremble should I worry

10-11-17, 22:30
I have noticed when I hold my fingers out straight my ring finger trembles sometimes a tiny bit. It never interferes with anything I do. Is this normal

10-11-17, 22:54
My hands often shake. The problem is the more you are aware of it, the more likely they are to shake. Im sure it will be fine

10-11-17, 22:54
Is this normal

Totally (.) Period

Positive thoughts

10-11-17, 22:59
I believe with anxiety many things are 'normal'. Are you on any meds? They can cause or exacerbate tremor.

Unless you have other serious symptoms, I really wouldn't worry about any nasty diseases, which you're obviously thinking about.

11-11-17, 00:38
No meds just the slight tremor when I hold my fingers stuff and it does vary in severity probably anxiety

11-11-17, 01:37
Yes i think you're focusing on it too much, it's nothing abnormal, no worries

au Lait
11-11-17, 05:38
Yeah my hands often tremor. It’s annoying and often embarrassing but normal.