View Full Version : Male breast cancer worry

11-11-17, 01:15
A few months ago i noticed my breasts enlarged a little.. the left one a little more i think, and now that's the one that hurts sometimes

I did tell it to the doctor, but that was about if i had Gynecomastia, i didn't mention cancer.. he looked at it and felt it but didn't think much of it. However he just looked for Gynecomastia not cancer i think..

I'm worried i have male breast cancer, my breast both enlarged, the left one slightly more and that one hurts? I dont feel anything abnormal but im not sure what to look for.. im 28 years old

11-11-17, 02:49
I would think its probably quite normal. I think you should check on sites to show how women check for breast cancer and do the same thing. You check round all of your chest using tips of fingers, not thumbs, for any lumps.

11-11-17, 02:58
I would think its probably quite normal. I think you should check on sites to show how women check for breast cancer and do the same thing. You check round all of your chest using tips of fingers, not thumbs, for any lumps.

Just FYI- breast cancer does not only appear as lumps.

Panda, you having breast cancer is incredibly unlikely but I think it makes sense to get a second opinion if you aren't comfortable with the first exam or with the questions you asked. If your breasts are changing and changing assymetrically, that is something to investigate. The other questions are, have you been gaining weight, are you taking any synthetic hormones or others meds, etc?

Again, it doesn't make sense to fear or suspect breast cancer, but IDK. You left the doctor without any understanding, and that shouldn't be the way it is, IMO. I mean, you could have other conditions causing gynecomastia, so a shrug off doesn't seem adequate.

11-11-17, 16:52
Just FYI- breast cancer does not only appear as lumps.

Panda, you having breast cancer is incredibly unlikely but I think it makes sense to get a second opinion if you aren't comfortable with the first exam or with the questions you asked. If your breasts are changing and changing assymetrically, that is something to investigate. The other questions are, have you been gaining weight, are you taking any synthetic hormones or others meds, etc?

Again, it doesn't make sense to fear or suspect breast cancer, but IDK. You left the doctor without any understanding, and that shouldn't be the way it is, IMO. I mean, you could have other conditions causing gynecomastia, so a shrug off doesn't seem adequate.

Thanks for your replies

I may have gained some weight because i haven't exercised much anymore. I was going to get back into it to see if it would turn things back to 'normal'. I'm still in okay shape tho. I did take meds that can cause gynecomastia, but i stopped them a few months before noticing my breast enlarged a bit...

Maybe it's just weight gain yes but i don't understand why it hurts too every now and then. What does breast cancer appear as, besides lumps? I don't really want to google it.. I wonder how rare breast cancer is in men at age 28

11-11-17, 17:44
A change in size or shape, rash or redness around the nipple, discharge from the nipple, a swelling your armpit or collar bone area, lump/thickening in breast tissue, constant pain in your breast or armpit, dimpling of the skin.

It can hurt every now and then for a number of reasons muscles etc - you are a male and it is very rare for a male to get breast cancer, breast cancer itself is rare in under 40 year olds.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

11-11-17, 18:27
Thank you.. i don't have those other symptoms besides the pain in the breast but not constant.. and change in size

11-11-17, 18:38
Thank you.. i don't have those other symptoms besides the pain in the breast but not constant.. and change in size

The change in size I believe would be a lot especially in males, did you say you had been taking medication, what were they called?

11-11-17, 19:23
Yes, finasteride because my hair was thinning, or at least so i thought, i took it for a year and quit it about 7 months ago. A side effect of it is Gynecomastia, but i don't know if that can start after quitting the medication too

11-11-17, 20:07
Yes, finasteride because my hair was thinning, or at least so i thought, i took it for a year and quit it about 7 months ago. A side effect of it is Gynecomastia, but i don't know if that can start after quitting the medication too

If you read up on that medication a side effect is swelling in the breast so don't know if the two are related either way it's nothing to worry about maybe pop to your GP and let him know and he can help you with any worries