View Full Version : Tight stomach and nausea

11-11-17, 07:59
I've had a bad bout of anxiety now for 3 weeks. Panic attacks, feeling restless and shaky, weakness and fatigue and most of all nausea. A the nausea at first would come and go. I haven't eaten proper meals in 3 weeks so I'm just grazing but occasionally when the nausea vanishes I will eat oats, noodles, wraps or potatoes. Daily though I'm usually just grazing on bananas, oat cakes, grapes, babybels, dates, plain crisps...

The last few days my nausea hit me hard. It started with a tight stomach feeling. High in the centre between the ribs where the stomach is on the abdomen. Where the centre squishy bit is. Hard to describe haha. It contracts like it always feels tight and this makes my nausea worse.

I get afraid why my stomach feels tight and panic about being sick which triggers me to shake and the nausea gets even worse. U even then get my bowels churning and have an upset stomach.

It's all scaring me incase I'm sick or incase it's not anxiety causing my stomach tightness and nausea. So I get anxious which causes more abdominal stress.

I can't seem to function well since this bad but of anxiety hit. It's floored me but now the nausea is this bad I feel even worse.

Any reassurance please?

11-11-17, 10:47
I have nausea for 1 full week now... Same, I can't eat much, once I tried cooking a spicy food and vomited. I think I'll go to the doctor today, to see if they have any medication to give me.

11-11-17, 17:15
Same, I've had nausea for about 3 weeks now and an upset, sore stomach with off and on loose stools/diahrea.

Is rubbish :(

12-11-17, 10:09
It's making me too anxious to eat and now I'm terrified I've developed an eating disorder because I can't eat. I feel sick after eating and during. It's horrible and something else to worry about.

12-11-17, 10:51
Anxiety goes straight to my tummy and bowels. I think it does with everyone. Just part of the deal and I know is really upsetting. But the good news is you are managing to eat something despite it, and thatīs very very good. Donīt think you have anything to worry about, and it will get better as your anxiety starts to fade Iīm sure.
Hope you feel better very soon xx