View Full Version : Blips

11-11-17, 10:03
Hi all first post suffer with serve anxiety due to my daughter who has a eating disorder she's only 10. She is getting help with child mental health finally after 3 years to get her to see the correct people. Suffered with anxiety for quite some time, is it normal to get blips along the way and could you have many blips, when I feel like this I feel that things will be like this forever when I do get anxious I get extreme nausea can't eat, sleep in a space of 4 days have lost 5 pounds does anyone suffers suffer with nausea with there anxiety correctly on citalopram, pregabalin, amitriptyline. Would love to hear from people about the nausea 😔

11-11-17, 10:21
Hi Sue

Sounds like your daughter is getting the correct treatment now and this helps you and her.

Whilst I've never had nausea with anxiety (but plenty of other symptoms!) I can say that blips are something that happen whilst you work through treating the anxiety (either on your own or with the help of professionals). I've had stretches of weeks where I thought 'wow, i'm totally back to normal' and then something would pop in to my head or I'd be in a situation that causes anxiety. Then of course my body reacted with physical symptoms, and I would worry more.

What's helped me reduce the impact of these blips is to understand anxiety, how it's having an effect on my body and my mind. Each time i arm myself with more knowledge, these blips become easier to handle. I feel the fight or flight instinct, i know my body will react, but now i know why my body/mind is reacting in a certain way.

As you mentioned your daughter is receiving treatment for mental health, are you also seeing a councillor/therapist or following any sort of online programme yourself? Appreciate that you have probably been focusing on prioritising your daughter.

11-11-17, 19:15
Hi thanks for the reply yes I have contacted my GP and will be seeing my counsellor next week. Going to start acupuncture on Monday as that helped me last time. Yes have been focusing everything on her I try hard no to let my hubby know about her as its breaks his heart. Currently having family threapy which only started a few weeks don't know what to expect but will try anything.

I just hate when you can be ok for weeks even months then bam I feel
Like I'm back to square one. I found this time of year very hard as it was 2 years ago I had a nervous break down and was so low I nearly did something stupid but then I was thinking of my kids and stopped. From that day on I was determined to get better took me a few weeks.

Currently on three different meds which help me but the lack of sleep I have been having for the past few months took its toll
On me. I get up at 2am to feed my daughter breakfast as she refuses to eat too close to school time as she feels she will get or be sick so she won't eat till she comes home around 4pm can be very stressful seeing her going thru it. School are so good about it they are so supportive to us all.

I don't know why I get so anxious she's getting the help and she doesn't have issues going into school not like how it was crying screaming.
Just hope she gets better a happy daughter = a happy mum.