View Full Version : Experiences of returning to work after being off sick with anxiety/depression

11-11-17, 13:33

I had a crisis at work a few weeks ago and have been signed off for a month so far. I was suicidal so it is going to take a while for me to get back into a state where I can go back to work.

It is the worse my anxiety had been. I have health anxiety and suffered a miscarriage in June which bought all my anxieties to the surface again (was doing ok before I fell pregnant)

I am worried about taking time off work to get better. My employer have been very supportive and have said to take all the time I need, even if it is months. They have also said they will do everything they can to support me once I return to work which is good and have mentioned occy health.

I am just so anxious about it. I have only ever had time off due to mental health issues once before.

What are your experiences of returning to work after being off sick?

12-11-17, 07:41
Hi snowflake,
Hope you're feeling a bit better sounds like you've had a rough time :bighug1:
I had a long time off work with depression about 10 years ago and I remember I felt pressure to go back ,having said that when I did go back the company were very helpful ,l was on restricted hours and had regular appointments with occupational health .I don't think any of my colleagues knew why I was off and but if they did nobody said anything .Now I tell my close colleagues and friends about my anxiety/depression and all are very supportive .It sounds like your firm is good and doing all the right things are you worried about what the firm will think? or your colleagues? or something else?
Take all the time you need work isnt going anywhere and if there's help available take it !:winks:

12-11-17, 08:22
Hi Snowflake,

I am so very sorry to hear about your loss in June. ❤

I had a breakdown in August. Before that I, too, was in control of my anxieties. I returned to work just last week, so I had around 3 months away. I have had my moments of panic at work but I'm properly medicated now and I'm around 80% my regular self.

Take all the time you need, I know it isn't a nice feeling being off sick for a while, but your health is the most important thing here. Your work sound very supportive which is great.

What are your next steps? Are you taking medication or working with anyone? I really hope things start to clear up for you soon. It's so very hard.

Pm me if you would like to talk more about it
Emma xx

12-11-17, 11:18
Hi snowflake,
Hope you're feeling a bit better sounds like you've had a rough time :bighug1:
I had a long time off work with depression about 10 years ago and I remember I felt pressure to go back ,having said that when I did go back the company were very helpful ,l was on restricted hours and had regular appointments with occupational health .I don't think any of my colleagues knew why I was off and but if they did nobody said anything .Now I tell my close colleagues and friends about my anxiety/depression and all are very supportive .It sounds like your firm is good and doing all the right things are you worried about what the firm will think? or your colleagues? or something else?
Take all the time you need work isnt going anywhere and if there's help available take it !:winks:

Thanks Cristine :) I am sorry to hear you had a tough time too :( It is good that your employer were supportive, lots of companies understand little about mental health issues.

My employer have been great and have said they are happy to do a phased return, adjust duties etc... I guess I am more worried about it affecting my relationships with my colleagues as it is looking likely I will be moved to a different team(!)

---------- Post added at 11:18 ---------- Previous post was at 11:14 ----------

Hi Snowflake,

I am so very sorry to hear about your loss in June. ❤

I had a breakdown in August. Before that I, too, was in control of my anxieties. I returned to work just last week, so I had around 3 months away. I have had my moments of panic at work but I'm properly medicated now and I'm around 80% my regular self.

Take all the time you need, I know it isn't a nice feeling being off sick for a while, but your health is the most important thing here. Your work sound very supportive which is great.

What are your next steps? Are you taking medication or working with anyone? I really hope things start to clear up for you soon. It's so very hard.

Pm me if you would like to talk more about it
Emma xx

Thank you so much xx I am so sorry to hear about your breakdown. It is really tough, but I am glad to hear that you are getting there, that is really positive!

Things got too much for me one day and I felt like my 2 colleagues were being off with me (we were working in a small, pressurised team) and I just went off on one. Ended up having a proper crisis. I think when I go back I will be working with other people.

Back on meds now, Sertraline 100mg and Diazepam as and when I need it to help me for the next few days only. Having some CBT 'refresher' sessions but they won't be 'til February next year and I will probably be back at work by then.

Thing is, when I am on the Diazepam I feel SO much better, like I can actually function! I know it isnt a long term solution though and I only ever have a few days supply at a time from my GP. I think once the Setraline kicks in (only been on it about 12 days or so) I will feel loads better.

I am signed off for another 2 weeks but I can't see myself going back 'til after xmas to be honest. I just need to get my head straight. My anxiety and depression have been terrible.