View Full Version : Light-headedness?

19-06-07, 18:02
Since 2 nights ago I've had a horrible light-headedness feeling. It's sort of like numnbess in the way it feels inside but there's no numbness at all when I touch my skin. It comes over me in a short burst and goes away again as I go about whatever I'm doing.

It only comes on in the evenings when I've been up for hours, so could be linked to tiredness? I've just come out from feeling poorly with a temperature, stiff painful neck and worse headaches. The feeling seems familiar but I probably haven't had it in a while so it scared me. I read through the previous posts but wondered how ppl would respond to my specific case.

ps. I think I just had light tingling in my left hand, lovely.

19-06-07, 20:49
Hi there
I PM'd you!