View Full Version : Chest and back pain

12-11-17, 17:57

I had a really bad chest infection a couple months ago that took about 6 weeks to go.

Then a couple weeks ago I felt like the cough was returning. I started wheezing at night time. Saw GP who thought chest was clear. But maybe thought my airways were just a little inflamed after chest infection so told me to take Symbicort for 2 weeks. Initially cleared up and felt fine.

But over last few days, the middle of my upper back has become really sore and I almost feel like I get a burning sensation in my lungs when the pain starts. Like my airways feel raw. I stopped Symbicort 3 days ago.

No wheezing etc.... but of course, fearing the worst and struggling to keep my anxious mind under control! Anyone can help?


---------- Post added at 18:57 ---------- Previous post was at 18:42 ----------

I should add that the inhaler made me really hoarse ��.

When the back pain comes on and I get the burning sensations in my lung. I feel like I need to clear my throat, but there’s nothing to clear.

Exercising actually helps and everything feels great. It tends to come on when I’m just walking or bending over pick things up.

I’ll be honest I’m totally scared of something like lung cancer.. I know it’s stupid. I’m
Only 33. Never smoked etc... Chances of something like that are ridiculously low I know. But you know how HA makes you feel!

12-11-17, 21:35

Sounds like you've had a pretty hefty infection going on! Certainly a long length infection like that can leave a lasting effect on your lungs for a while. I would say because this is a new symptom it would be worth getting checked out. It is most probably nothing but just in case the GP can do anything more to help with the pain.

As for the inhalers making you hoarse, this is not an uncommon side effect from inhalers so I wouldn't be too concerned about this. As for cancer risk, it's not stupid at all, a worry is real to you so it is not stupid. However risk of lung cancer in somebody of your age and as a non-smoker is so so low, and with a recent infection this is much more likely the source of the trouble.

I hope your symptoms settle soon and you are feeling back to normal :)