View Full Version : Really struggling

Lost all hope
12-11-17, 18:38
Hi I’m really struggling at the min, I keep getting pains in neck an head am sweating feeling dizzy does any1 else get this I’m freaking out, also my top of my head hurts when I touch it!!

13-11-17, 00:06
Hey there Hope! To be honest with you most of the things you are describing can be symptoms of an anxiety attack. I remember getting pains in my neck as well followed by sudden bouts of dizziness and headaches. I am not going to say that this is the case for you, but my doctor had told me that the muscles could tighten around the shoulder and neck area causing all these symptoms to occur when stressed.

If anything you should find reassurance in the fact that this is most likely just a sudden flare-up of your anxiety. Not something extremely serious. :)