View Full Version : has anyone had similar experience.

19-06-07, 18:58
I dont know if anyone has had experiences like ive had recently. I Have sufferd with anxiety for approx 18 years on and off usually it comes in cycles of several months suffering and a few months calm several years Ago my GP put me on seroxat peroxatine which have helped considerably . over the last nine months I have been reducing medication and eventually came off it however after about 3 weeks I developed alarming anxiety and panic attacks. IT usually occours when out on my own If I walk past someone I get the feeling of what if I lost control of my self and attacked them and although I would never hurt or injure them by the time they have gone out of sight I would have terrible thoughts going throught my head had I hurt them or worse this will then go through my head for weeks and just when it starts to ease and I would think how daft I am I would find myself in a similar situation and the terrifying thoughts would start all over again.

19-06-07, 20:46
Hi there :)

This type of worry is quite common with anx I think! I have read lots of posts similar to this over the years!

Have you read Claire Weekes book Self Help for your nerves. She has a good way of dealing with obsessional thoughts called "glimpsing" - She describes in her book how some people with anxiety would have the weirdest thoughts and she said that these thoughts are just normal silly thoughts given huge "airtime" in our minds because the thoughts terrify the person who has them.

She said to try to think them willingly and don't try to not think them "unwanted thoughts don't like being invited to the party so they don't tend to come"

She goes into this in much more detail! I hope it helps you :)

All the best

19-06-07, 22:29
thanks for your quick reply claireypoo , Ive got the book you talk about although I have not read it for several years I shall seek it out tonight. MY biggest problem with these thoughts is that although I wouldnt hurt a fly intentionaly I cannot seem to convince myself that ive done no harm to anyone and I always think of the worst possible outcome.It goes over and over in my mind like a stuck record . It is so terrifying when it first strikes.Ive had to go back on my peroxatine and this will take several weeks to get me back on some sort of even keel.

22-06-07, 06:30
If anyone else has experienced simaler problems I would be gratefull if you could let me know how you coped with them. thanks Melvyn.