View Full Version : Anxiety disconnected and hypoclacemia

12-11-17, 21:41
So my first panic attack happened 3 years ago when I went for a bike ride in the morning and all I had to eat was some popcorn and a coffee and the I was riding and I felt like I was going to faint, I drank a Gatorade and a granola bar and felt better, the day after I woke up feeling very strange like I wasn't myself, went to the doctors got my blood done and heart tested everything came back notmal and she told me it was anxiety. But the last 3 years the feelings haven't really gone away, I do have a lot of anxiety, and I find when I dont eat I get the faint feeling, I just got my blood done again because I'm still scared it's something serious :( can anyone relate ? (I hope this made some sense, I'm really anxious)