View Full Version : Dizzy, light headed spells.

13-11-17, 02:21
Every now and then I get these weird feelings that seem to just start out of nowhere. It seems to happen more when I'm just sitting not really doing anything. I'll be fine then all of a sudden I get this feeling almost like someone shook my brain and I get lightheaded for maybe a few seconds, then it passes. I guess at times, sometimes when the spells happen as well, I get sort of a spaced out brain fog thing going. Loght headed spells could happen maybe once an hour to every 20 seconds. It usually never lasts more then, say 2 seconds. It has been happening tonight, but not during the day while i was working hard. Got a few strong palpations, which were annoyong but not light headed. Kind of curious of anyone ever experianced this before or has an idea of what may cause it. It was my "self diagnosis"... that it was due to a brain tumor until i realized I don't get headaches really at all unless I exert myself to hard. I do suffer from anxiety, I am extremely spuratic with my meals, take omeprazol, have a crazy metaboism, eat a reasonable amount of sugary things sometimes and use Q-tips to clean my ears. I say Q-tips because after work I did clean my ears out then a few hours later this started up.

19-11-17, 16:42
Would you say these symptoms feel like a head rush or some type of electrical shock?

21-11-17, 14:04
I get these in supermarkets. They tend to come and go a month at a time

27-11-17, 03:13
I've never thought about it that way but I guess it would be sort of like a head rush. It's like I'll be fine then bam I start to get it, it escalates, then goes all within a second or two. Mine seem to come and go as well. Some days I'm fine, then others it's all day. Somedayd it's only at night, others it's when I'm working..