View Full Version : Can anxiety really knock you off your feet? And morning dread

13-11-17, 10:13
Over the last 3 weeks I've had debilitating anxiety which has left me resting in my bedroom every day especially the last two weeks. It's also put me off eating properly so I'm just grazing throughout the day and generally feeling very tired and weak. I've had bad nausea during this anxiety.

When the anxiety hit badly 2 weeks ago I noticed that I was struggling to go downstairs because every time I did the nausea was severe my legs would shake, I'd feel really really sick, my ears would ring or hiss and my head would feel like it would explode from the pressure and I would feel dizzy like I quickly had to get back to my bed. It made me scared to go downstairs so for a week I barely went down the stairs because every time I tried I had those awful symptoms. That's when hubby had to take over and do all the washing and cooking because I could not stay downstairs long enough to do anything due to how severe the symptoms were when I went downstairs.

I didn't feel great this weekend I felt very weak and fatigued and even just walking around upstairs to the bathroom or just to sit in my daughter's room I'd feel sick and drained. I spoke to my husband about it and he said well you know you are only grazing you're not eating proper meals, you're always anxious, you're bound to be fatigued and weak it's to be expected. This weekend I felt really really sick and just so drained that like I say even a trip to the bathroom took it out of me and I had to rest a lot because I was so weak and fatigued.

I went went downstairs yesterday afternoon to make a drink and when I did I felt extremely sick, my legs was shaking with weakness and anxiety, I tried to do some washing and my heart was racing, I felt really really sick, my face went red hot, my ears were hissing with pressure and I just quickly got my drink and ran back up the stairs. I lay down and my face was red hot and a panic attack was trying to hit like it used to every time I went downstairs. I felt my head and ears would explode with the pressure Sensation so I took my blood pressure and it was really high so I guess that was just due to the anxiety. My heart was racing and I just felt so ill and I just lay down and cried because I felt so bad just going downstairs to my kitchen.

I'm worried that's not at all normal and it's giving me a big fright because last week I had started to go downstairs during the day to get drinks and snacks when I was on my own and even put some washing in machine and I wasn't having such a bad reaction anymore. So. I hoped I was making progress, where is now that reaction yesterday was probably the worst I've ever had going downstairs and it's upset me.

It's scaring me that that's not normal that anxiety cannot make you feel that it'll just pottering about your own house. If I'm lying on my bed still then I can be ok and I can relax the moment I sit up I start to feel heavy headed and weak and very sick. When I think of going downstairs and spending time with my family I feel sick to my stomach, shaky red hot in the face my heart races and I just generally feel ghastly. So I forced myself downstairs to get a drink and a snack and do some washing and then that happened. I don't know why panic when I do things like that but I thought it was getting better going downstairs but for some reason again I had a very bad reaction to going downstairs and I'm worried that that can't be anxiety. The nausea was so severe, my ears were hissing, my face was red hot, my heart was racing my legs were shaking and I felt it any moment I just collapse from how bad I was feeling. I just don't know if that's normal and it's giving me a bigger fright and I thought things were getting better pottering around the house.

I have been resting a lot this weekend because I have been feeling very sick since the nausea hit on Thursday night but I didn't realise I'd have such a bad reaction to going downstairs. It's made me feel that I'll never recover, and I'll never be able to be with my family again, I'll never be able to just sit down stairs with family again, do the washing or make a meal for my family because surely having symptoms that bad is not normal. Why would I feel that bad just going downstairs to do a couple of chores and make it drink I was downstairs about 10 minutes and I feel absolutely terrible for it. This is what's been happening the last few weeks. I go downstairs,. The nausea kicks in then all those strong sensations hit and I have to lie down. I feel so cold, my legs are weak and shaky, my ears and head hiss with pressure, my face goes red hot, heart races and I feel at any moment I will drop to the ground or be sick. It's awful. My blood pressure was sky high when I Sat down upstairs after it.

I'm just so afraid why that happens. Why can't I just be able to go downstairs without that hitting so bad. I do feel weak and drained so I think that and the nausea trigger me to feel so bad. It's scaring me.so much 😢😢😢 that's what triggered my panic 2 weeks ago and why I ended up too afraid to go downstairs as panic would hit hard like a flush to the face and I'd panic for hours after on my bed. Why? 😢😢

I woke today with severe dread, eveey day I wake with this dread for the day ahead because I can't just do normal things like sit downstairs, go down to cook a meal, do the normal things I was doing. I feel dread and sick every morning. I feel sick now thinking about this and how awful yesterday was and it's because I'm scared it's not normal to feel how I do. Utterly repulsed to my stomach every day and unable to function. Is it normal? Please can someone reassure me anxiety can cause how I feel? My husband says I'm.getting stronger and improving over the last week but I csnt see that at all. I'm unable to even function around my house and feel im letting my whole family down. Thus severe nausea and dread to my stomach makes me feel so ill. It's horrible.

Thank you if you got this far. I apologise it's so long.


13-11-17, 14:55
Didn’t want to just read and go, it’s not nice when nobody answers your post. You feel totally abandoned and nobody cares.

I’m exactly the same with eating when my anxiety is high, you get the feeling in the pit of your stomach/throat and straight away your mind starts talking to you
I can eat, I feel sick,I don’t want it. And it does exactly that. You can’t eat your full of adrenaline!! It’s the pits. I have to make myself eat small bites at a time.

I’ve been where you are many a time,
It is very frightening and you feel out of control.

How you been to the doctors or called them for a home visit? Do you have a young family or can you take yourself away from it?
Is it just(and I don’t mean JUST) or do you feel depressed with it?
Ring the doctors

---------- Post added at 14:55 ---------- Previous post was at 14:41 ----------

Just read your other post, so know your already on meds.
I’m sensitive to meds also.
If you have Diazepam why not try 2 mg, that’s what I take when I can’t function.
Like you I really hate meds and they frighten me too.

I think know it’s because you lowered your dose
What was you on, and lowered to?
Don’t know if it’s helps, but a person I speak to on here did exactly the same.mwell over a year to get it down not mirt and within 2 mths off nothing straight back to square one
It’s bloody frightening,
Please try a Diazepam? How you got any? It will ease the anxiety and give you a little confidence to go down stairs

13-11-17, 20:36
I'm sorry you're feeling so low. I think one of the very worst things about anxiety is the feeling that it will never go away and that you're stuck like this forever. I have felt like this a lot myself lately and it really feels like despair when you feel so stuck.
When things get this bad, you really need to try to take baby steps. You have not always felt this way. Think of a time when you felt really well and happy and tell yourself every day that you will get back to that state, even though you might not believe it and it might not feel that way.
It sounds as though your anxiety is focused on going downstairs and that every time you do that you are having an extreme anxiety response. Something similar has been happening to me lately with going into work. As soon as I get there I feel dizzy, faint, exhausted, severe brain fog and like I am going to pass out. It's very overwhelming and every day I hope it will get better but it doesn't I think it will only happen when I'm able to truly accept that all these feelings really are just anxiety and that they will pass.
Perhaps it would be a good idea to contact your Dr by phone and talk about medication. Also have you had any therapy? There are so many of us here who can relate to what you're going through. You are not alone.

14-11-17, 07:32
Thank you both so much for replying to me. I do feel very alone.

I'd never take diazepam.. Im on mirtazapine and have been years almost. I was on 15mg but got down to 12mg and all this started. I've increased my dose but no better as yet.

I'm just afraid because I feel bad all the time, even lying on my bed some days resting I feel horrific. Shakes, nausea etc I've woken today with it really bad and I feel so ill I had to force myself to shower. I just feel so sick and weak.

Lats night we had some awful news and it's set me right back. My father in law has a heart attack. Hubby was in hospital with him all night and it triggered such a bad attack in me. For hours I was shaking, upset stomach, feeling hot and dizzy. I was terrified. Today I still don't feel great, hubby got home late and we didn't sleep till gone 1am so I feel terrible and I am terrified of a day feeling this ill by myself.

I'm just so afraid I can't recover from this and is there something else causing it. I know GPS here are useless as I've had them our before for anxiety and they just give diazepam. No. Therapy available for a year and so I end up giving up with doctors. I've never had this strong physical anxiety or panic so it terrifies me. And I also worry anxiety can't make you feel this ill. I can barely eat I feel so sick, shaky and just awful. It's like a constant hangover feeling plus the shakes and anxiety on top. No fun and the fear I can't recover scares me even more. I have 3 kids and I'm terrified I've let them and my husband down. They're all growing up in their teens but I still worry so much.

Thanks again for replying to me.


14-11-17, 20:12
Hi sorry you feel so horrid, the symptoms with the nausea I know how it feels when I get anxious thats the first thing that happens to me it gets me so down, I can't eat, drink, sleep I shake get hot cold and want to throw up and sometimes i can't do anything. I hate it and I to get so scared that I won't get better, won't be able to look after my kids. I'm on three different types of meds for my anxiety but sometimes I feel they don't work but do not want to try any other ones due to the fault the side effects you get when you start them. I Was given dizapam and that did help me function but sadly don't have any left and my GP won't give me anymore. Went back to the docs yesterday and they gave me sleep tabs as I wasn't sleeping at all and no sleep can mess with your mind. This time of year is always hard for me as I had a breakdown two years ago which resulted me nearly doing something silly but when I thought of my kids I just couldn't. From that day forward I promised I would get better for them. I am currently waiting to see a lift counseller which helped me in the pass and also having accupunture which also helped a great deal. You are not alone. When I read your post I was relieved that I found someone with very similar symptoms. It's hard when you feel that no one else understands you but I so do. Am here if you need to rant rave as I know how it feels and trust me I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy. I have looked at a lot of posts and not a lot suffer with the nausea symptoms but I know that nausea or anything connected with the tummy is quite a common thing but it's finding someone who has the exact nausea symptom I hope you are feeling better today x

16-11-17, 06:49
Sorry to hear you are having such a bad time. I have been exactly the same as you in the past, it’s just horrible. It is all anxiety and the trouble is anxiety just breeds more anxiety. The only way out I’m afraid is to fight with all you have left. You must not give in to the feelings. You will not die from going downstairs, it’s your anxiety telling you that you can’t. It is a mind game. The best thing to do, and it’s so so hard is to push through it, otherwise you will stay were you are. It’s a bit like being shut in a building with a gun man outside, you can’t stay in forever so you have to make a break and run for your life. Get up, get dressed and go out for 10 minutes round the block, when you get back have a cup of tea that you make yourself. Don’t analyse how you feel just do it. Honestly I have been where you are and it’s the only way out, you can only help yourself, no one else can do it for you however much you look and ask.
Sorry I know it’s hard and I am suffering at the momen, I didn’t sleep last night and can’t eat but I’m up early and dressed and will be out in my car in half an hour, even though I’m shaking and feel terrible, I know I have to do it and I will get over this.
Good luck x

16-11-17, 08:44
Excellent advice and dead right.

17-11-17, 09:20
Sorry to hear you are suffering. I have been suffering with anxiety for years although fairly mild it still interfers with my life. I do think that the reason you feel so weak and sick is through lack of food, yes also the anxiety too. One of my biggest struggle is eating, i hate eating out and people cooking for me. Im quite thin and i hate it and cannot afford to lose weight so i have to make myself eat. Your body needs food to function.
Please try and eat some food, little bits, what do you like? Some cake? A bit of pasta? Toast? Soup?
Have you tried other things like the herbal remedies? I recently discovered Nytol?! If you dilute it in a bit of water it takes the edge of the anxiety. And Kalms daily. My doctor prescribed me Propranolol but i can't bring myself to take it!!!
I have to go away tonight with the girls for dinner and drinks and a hotel and im dreading it. I feel exhausted. But i will have to get through it. With the help of alcohol ��.
The effects of anxiety are horrible but just remember... They aren't real!!! They are just your body producing too much adrenalin.
Try also taking your mind off it by reading, or singing to the radio i found this helps me distract myself a bit.
I hooe it helps a bit. Sarah x

19-11-17, 08:26
Sorry to hear you are having such a bad time. I have been exactly the same as you in the past, it’s just horrible. It is all anxiety and the trouble is anxiety just breeds more anxiety. The only way out I’m afraid is to fight with all you have left. You must not give in to the feelings. You will not die from going downstairs, it’s your anxiety telling you that you can’t. It is a mind game. The best thing to do, and it’s so so hard is to push through it, otherwise you will stay were you are. It’s a bit like being shut in a building with a gun man outside, you can’t stay in forever so you have to make a break and run for your life. Get up, get dressed and go out for 10 minutes round the block, when you get back have a cup of tea that you make yourself. Don’t analyse how you feel just do it. Honestly I have been where you are and it’s the only way out, you can only help yourself, no one else can do it for you however much you look and ask.
Sorry I know it’s hard and I am suffering at the momen, I didn’t sleep last night and can’t eat but I’m up early and dressed and will be out in my car in half an hour, even though I’m shaking and feel terrible, I know I have to do it and I will get over this.
Good luck x

Thank you so much.

The thing is I keep trying. I go downstairs but after 10 minutes or so I feel terrible. Sometimes right away. I feel weak, fatigued, shaky, then wham my hot face hits, heart races, bad nausea and I feel I will faint. Panic? It scares me and I run to my bedroom terrified to ever try again, but I do.

Yesterday I went downstairs and Sat with my family for 3 hours but felt awful. I felt dizzy and very weak the whole time. By the 3rd hour I said I needed a lie down and on the way upstairs I felt so put of body floaty and spaced out, my whole body felt weak and I panicked I'd faint. I thrn lay on my bed shaking scared what that was.

I just feel everytime I try I get a knock back so the easiest thing has been to rest. My husband says rest is what I need as I'm so drained due to the anxiety, lack of food and sleep but yes he encourages me to go down for 10 minutes several times a day and I do but always without a doubt have a turn.

I wake every morning with dread for the day in my stomach. Dread and nausea churns in my tummy. Becauae I have my life like this and all I want ia to be me again. Me before wasn't perfect. I'd had chronic illness 2 years. I have cfs and underactive thyroid, so I've been off my feet before and unable to do much but this is worse, much worse. All I want to do is to be able to stand cooking again, do the washing and folding of clothes, and not find it overwhelming and panic hitting me so hard. I just want those 2 simple things in life back. So I wake daily dreading another day of this, feeling guilty for being so drained and tired and putting on my husband and children.

I cry once a day, let it all out. Hubby said yesterday I'm definitely making progress but I can t see it. He said 2 weeks ago you never left your bedroom, you lay shaking 9 hours a day, crying and not eating more than a banana. He said now you're back to 1500 calories a day, barely shaking, walking about more and coming to sit outside eveey morning. He said you go downstairs in the daytime now when home alone to make drinks and even put washes in the machine. I guess he's right. He said I needed to just build up slowly but surely. I cried my eyes out that I must be the worst case of anxiety ever. Surely it's not normal to feel so fatigued and weak legged? Or to have problems functioning around your own house? It'd those 2 things worrying me the most.

Thank you for your kind message. It's encouraged me. I just wanted to explain why I struggle going down stairs and what happens to me when I do. It's so strong. There's no way I could walk a the block right now. I've always had agoraphobia issues the last 2 years. The cfs triggered it but it first hit 5 years ago after my brother attacked me but I did overcome it. When anxiety rises it does return. After I had the cfs it returned badly and I've basically been a hermit due to the illness for 2 years but I was getting out alot more now with hubby, walls and trips out. Life was getting better as the cfs was improving alot. I had a greys summer. Then wham this hit me and I feel I've had a breakdown or something. A few weeks ago I couldn't do anything, even washing my hair gave me crippling anxiety attacks. Now I can shower and wash my hair far easier and I'm less overwhelmed but I still wake each days dreading it like this.

Would I be ok to private message you? Feel free to say no, I'd not want to put on you at all.

Thank you


19-11-17, 09:19
Hiya, so glad I read your post, this is so me too, I shake so baldy, burning up yet freezing cold, terrible fear feeling in stomach, can't eat, sometimes for a week, I don't sleep well and find that when I'm tired it's so much worse, hope you can find some relief soon x

19-11-17, 11:15
It sounds like some kind of post traumatic stress or similar, maybe you need a counsellor to visit you and talk through going downstairs, or try phoning up one of those helplines and they can talk to you.

19-11-17, 11:17

You seem to be doing better than you think(hubby words) when we’re full of anxiety we can’t see this. Everything become so big and in our face.
What about hubby coming up the stairs to get you and walk down with you, that way you may gain more confidence in yourself again. Not just a one off, say 2/4 times a day?
I been where you are quite a few time, and each time gets no easier does it, you’d think we would know it’s anxiety/adrenaline doing this to us but is still happens.
I was even scared to have a shower at one stage, incase I fainted.

I’m in a depression/anxiety state at the moment, like you every morning I wake it’s an instant thing dread what am I going to do today. I think I’ve got myself into a rut thinking this because I don’t want to feel/think of any thoughts/sensations need to do something so I don’t. I wish I could just get up and watch tv relaxed again.

I think we all feel guilty for the illness we have(and it is an illness) and are hard on ourselves. X

19-11-17, 12:58
It sounds like some kind of post traumatic stress or similar, maybe you need a counsellor to visit you and talk through going downstairs, or try phoning up one of those helplines and they can talk to you.


Yes I do have ptsd from being attacked. I've had therapy for it but this anxiety has hit out of the blue after doing so well. I am considering therapy again.


---------- Post added at 12:54 ---------- Previous post was at 12:48 ----------


You seem to be doing better than you think(hubby words) when we’re full of anxiety we can’t see this. Everything become so big and in our face.
What about hubby coming up the stairs to get you and walk down with you, that way you may gain more confidence in yourself again. Not just a one off, say 2/4 times a day?
I been where you are quite a few time, and each time gets no easier does it, you’d think we would know it’s anxiety/adrenaline doing this to us but is still happens.
I was even scared to have a shower at one stage, incase I fainted.

I’m in a depression/anxiety state at the moment, like you every morning I wake it’s an instant thing dread what am I going to do today. I think I’ve got myself into a rut thinking this because I don’t want to feel/think of any thoughts/sensations need to do something so I don’t. I wish I could just get up and watch tv relaxed again.

I think we all feel guilty for the illness we have(and it is an illness) and are hard on ourselves. X

Thank you Clip. Your reply reassured me it's quite normal to feel this way.

Good idea about hubby. He's in work during the week but I could work on it before and after work and I am doing most says a little. Today I Sat outside for 20 minutes and I walked about the house for half an hour. My problem is I feel so weak legged and shaky legged and my head feels woozy so I get anxious walking about. It scares me how weak I feel. Did you feel this way?

When this first started a month ago I'd cry my eyes out and have panic attacks at the thought of a shower or hair wash. I'd literally sit trembling and crying. I couldn't function at all. Now I can a little better. I've showered the last 2 mornings alone and my hubby or daughter wash my hair for me. Which I hate but it's a big help for me right now.

I rest on my bed a lot as I'm so weak legged and fatigued I get anxious walking about the house and yes fainting scares me the most.

I've lost all confidence because when this breakdown hit 4 weeks ago I had such severe panic attacks going downstairs that now it's become scary for me but I'm facing it slowly.

Is it normal to feel so weak and fatigued? I was having 9 hour panic attacks in the early weeks so hubby thinks that's taxed my body and now I'm just tired and drained from it but now I get anxious why I'm so weak and drained. Which causes more anxiety. It's annoying. I do feel it's been a breakdown of some kind. I've had anxiety years but it's never hit me this hard. I had therapy for ptsd and anxiety after my brother attacked me in 2012 and I even had some therapy last year.

Thank you for replying to me, I appreciate it.


---------- Post added at 12:56 ---------- Previous post was at 12:54 ----------

Hiya, so glad I read your post, this is so me too, I shake so baldy, burning up yet freezing cold, terrible fear feeling in stomach, can't eat, sometimes for a week, I don't sleep well and find that when I'm tired it's so much worse, hope you can find some relief soon x

Oh you poor thing. I can fully relate.

Sending you a big hug x

---------- Post added at 12:58 ---------- Previous post was at 12:56 ----------

Sorry to hear you are suffering. I have been suffering with anxiety for years although fairly mild it still interfers with my life. I do think that the reason you feel so weak and sick is through lack of food, yes also the anxiety too. One of my biggest struggle is eating, i hate eating out and people cooking for me. Im quite thin and i hate it and cannot afford to lose weight so i have to make myself eat. Your body needs food to function.
Please try and eat some food, little bits, what do you like? Some cake? A bit of pasta? Toast? Soup?
Have you tried other things like the herbal remedies? I recently discovered Nytol?! If you dilute it in a bit of water it takes the edge of the anxiety. And Kalms daily. My doctor prescribed me Propranolol but i can't bring myself to take it!!!
I have to go away tonight with the girls for dinner and drinks and a hotel and im dreading it. I feel exhausted. But i will have to get through it. With the help of alcohol ��.
The effects of anxiety are horrible but just remember... They aren't real!!! They are just your body producing too much adrenalin.
Try also taking your mind off it by reading, or singing to the radio i found this helps me distract myself a bit.
I hooe it helps a bit. Sarah x

Thank you for replying. I hope you are OK and your night away went well.

I'm starting to eat little and often instead of big meals which is helping me a lot. I still have nausea on and off but I'm tryinf.

Anxiety is an awful thing isn't it. Sending you a big hug xx