View Full Version : Low grade headaches- please help me be rational

13-11-17, 15:36
I had a tension head for a few days last week-I believe it is coming from my neck. I have sore knots on my back and head. I tend to worry myself sick about things and have OCD so cannot get them out of my mind. Now I am having low grade headaches/pressure. It kind of makes me feel "off". The headaches are making me feel a bit nauseous, until I eat something. My anxious mind is telling me it's a brain tumor since I have moments where i'll stutter or mix up my words. I also take meds for anxiety and am wondering if that's making me mix up my words? Any advice, or anyone else have this happen to them? I'm wondering If the headaches are still tension headaches. I still have a tight neck and shoulders.

13-11-17, 16:55
I get low grade headaches all the time, brain zaps, and a numb patch on my left shoulder close to my neck. My neck is sore all the time (I seriously thought I had a spinal tumor) but I had an MRI done on my head and I don’t have a mass, however I have extreme health anxiety. Anxiety on its own causes our bodies to respond crazily. Whenever I get a headache I start to freak out and say omg I have a tumor..but have to remind myself I just had an MRI done at the end of September. Anxiety will have you mix up your words, stutter, slur all that Jazz! And the more we focus the worse it gets!! Plus all the tension and stress that we hold in our neck and shoulders is bound to give us headaches!! I get them all the time! Try having a massage...or a warm epsom salt bath to relax your muscles. Your symptoms match anxiety almost to a T. But if you are that concerned a trip to your Primary Care never hurt!

Stay Positive, Stay Sane, It will get better!!!


13-11-17, 17:14
Thanks Nini! I needed a good talking to! I am trying to stay sane. So far today, no headache. I just feel numb to my emotions. It's all very strange. I've also gained weight from all the meds I've been on, so feeling down about that to. It's my fault-- I have no self control and eat whatever's around :-(

Angelica Schuyler
13-11-17, 20:38
I get headaches on the regular, too. I always carry a ton of tension in my neck and shoulders, and the pain can travel. Pain and tension can cause nausea, too. It's definitely not abnormal, and happens with lots of people with anxiety. A hot compress on my neck and shoulders to ease the tension and some ibuprofen to kill the headache pain typically work for me.

I wouldn't worry about the stuttering or messing up words, either. If you're like me, anxiety makes your mouth move a little too fast for your brain (or vice versa)! Hang in there!

14-11-17, 01:07
I have major tension in my back, shoulders and neck. It can absolutely make you feel that way! I paint and do a lot of crafts, and if I don't take care of myself I develop a really ridiculous deep trigger point knot under my shoulder blade on my right side which radiates pain and pressure all the way through my shoulder, up my neck, over the head and around to my eye socket like a clothes hanger. Only on one side, too (right side because I'm right handed) so I understand the brain tumor fear all too well...been there! When it flares up it makes me nauseous and I barely can move my head. It's taken me years to become aware of this and to start to practice self-care when I start to feel flare ups coming on. A Theracane deep tissue massager has become my best friend.

Also, are you drinking enough water? You could also be a bit dehydrated.