View Full Version : I can't do this anymore

13-11-17, 15:40
I am hopeless. I had my abdominal CT scan a few weeks ago and it came back ok but I'm still worried I have colon, bowel or anal cancer. It says this:

Spleen: normal size
Pancreas: no mass, or dialated duct. No sign of calcification
Kidneys: normal size , no mass both adrenal glands normal
Bowel: normal caliber loops of large and small bowel no obvious masses or inflammatory changes are identified in the abdomin

Impression: no findings to account for the patients symptoms.

But yet I still have left side tummy pain, and pain in the anal area and abnormal bowel movements. I feel like I'm losing my mind with worry nothing seems to make me feel better. I thought you had to get a colonoscopy not an abdominal ct to tell if things are wrong with your bowels. I had one 4 years ago and it came back good. I just don't know what to think anymore.

13-11-17, 15:44
What are you doing to treat the illness you do have?

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13-11-17, 16:00
I'm not sure what you mean, but if it's for the tummy pain then nothing.

13-11-17, 16:16
I'm not sure what you mean

Your anxiety. You had detailed expensive scientific medical testing. ALL NORMAL. You have tummy pain which is commonly caused by anxiety (IBS etc.). Treat the real problem and you treat the symptoms associated with it.

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13-11-17, 20:28
You are 100 percent right, I need to treat the anxiety. I have tried meds but can't seem to make it past the side effects. I have tried counciling and all they want to do is hand me work sheets. I guess I'm going to have to fight my way through my thinking. It's so hard to convince myself it's not the worst case scenario that every ache and pain is cancer. But i guess I have to try harder.

13-11-17, 20:33
Hi Lisa -- the online CBT course that Fish has in his signature has a part about catastrophizing. It's very helpful and I would recommend!

13-11-17, 20:46
Thank you so much! I will give it a try !

13-11-17, 20:52
And there are worksheets in the CBT course. But like doing multiplication sheets when you were learning math, the worksheets are much the same. You have to do it over and over until it becomes automatic. It's work but you know what they say about wanting something bad enough ;)

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13-11-17, 20:54
I had that same prob with anal pain and still do and some abdominal discomfort, gassy all the time. I had anal probe twice and a colonoscopy, both were fine. my lower back tailbone is actually whats making my butt hurt i guess. sitting hurts, lying on my back hurts. i have anxiety disorder, the pain gets to me and agrivates the dizzy spells, makes me tired and weary but they dont know whats wrong with me either.
Menopause is also going on with me.

I have no answers but a chiropractor helped me, i told him my hiney hurt, turns out my hips were tilted forward. after a few adjustments though it quit working,

I hope you feel better soon.

13-11-17, 20:55
My biggest fear is if I stop worrying about my health then something might get passed me and overlooked and then before I know it it will be something bad that will kill me and I wasent ready for it. In my mind if I worry about it then I’m prepared for the worst if that makes sense.

13-11-17, 21:06
My biggest fear is if I stop worrying about my health then something might get passed me and overlooked and then before I know it it will be something bad that will kill me and I wasent ready for it. In my mind if I worry about it then I’m prepared for the worst if that makes sense.

Actually, no, it doesn't make sense and it's just an excuse your anxiety is telling you to keep you captive. You cannot ignore serious issues and they don't get passed you. I know this 1st hand.

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