View Full Version : Blood in urine normal range?

13-11-17, 18:07
Just wondered if anyone definitely knows the 'normal' red blood cell range in urine. My test from the lab says 3 and it was deemed normal, yet my doc has already referred me to urology on the strength of a dipstick test at the surgery. Confused!

14-11-17, 10:18
Any UK answered really appreciated!

14-11-17, 11:11
Can't help sorry - just didn't want to read and run !

14-11-17, 12:10
I don't know what the normal range is. But your doctor isn't a specialist so he has referred you to a urologist to get his or her opinion. That's common. It doesn't mean you have anything serious wrong with you.

15-11-17, 11:59
Hi Michelle I am struggling with this too. All my dip test show as positive for hematuria, but a sample sent off to lab showed no RBC ( red blood cells).. I am in a major panic myself as the doctors don't seem to be bothered. I have purchased some dip strips for use at home and 8/10 of them show either hemolyzed or non hemolyzed blood. I'm so stressed out. I hope you get an answer soon

16-11-17, 10:13
Thanks for the replies. Getting an ultrasound and CT scan on 22 December. Eek!

16-11-17, 15:44
I have no idea what "normal" is, but I will say that I always have some level of blood in my urine (microscopic, not visible blood). I did the urology consult several years back ending with an ultrasound and CT scan and they found nothing and told me some people just have hematuria for no real reason. So, don't freak out just because you've been referred. The doctor is just being thorough and covering all the bases.

17-11-17, 12:27
I think I'm feeling apprehensive because of my symptoms - lower right back ache and intermittent pelvic/groin pain. Plus the fact that unless you read personal experiences, everything online indicates something bad with blood in urine!!

17-11-17, 13:37
Ironically this year I have been faced with a couple of real health issues. Neither of them related to my HA. I had a breast lump and had to get a biopsy. I also had blood in my urine. It wasn’t visible but it was in every urine test I had done so I was referred to a urologist. I was told by the urologist that it could be nothing and he didn’t think it was bladder cancer but the two tests to rule that out were a renal CT scan and a cystoscopy. I had both and nothing was found. If I had a urine test today it wouldn’t surprise me if there was blood in it. So it can be normal. During these two stressful periods I expected my HA to return bigger and badder than ever. It didn’t.

---------- Post added at 23:07 ---------- Previous post was at 23:03 ----------

that should have said to rule out bladder cancer and kidney disorders. They were also looking for stones but I didn’t have any.

17-11-17, 13:59
I think I'm feeling apprehensive because of my symptoms - lower right back ache and intermittent pelvic/groin pain. Plus the fact that unless you read personal experiences, everything online indicates something bad with blood in urine!!

I have kidney stones and that is what causes the blood in mine.

19-11-17, 06:01
I have minimal blood, apparently its normal!

25-11-17, 11:47
Urgh had a rubbish week this week obsessing about my pelvic scan this Tuesday and then urologist/ct scan on 22 Dec. I can't seem to keep my head in a rational place! Bladder, kidney and just random tumours foremost in my thoughts! I think what's scaring me is that all these things seem to have no obvious symptoms. My husband is doing his very best to go over everything with me but after half an hour I'm back to just sitting on the couch not wanting to get on with life.

26-11-17, 15:38
Hi, sorry to jump on this thread, but having a similar problem, I had a urine infection 3 weeks ago so had antibiotics, went to the docs as still problems, dipstick showed blood and infection so another 7 days of antibiotics, finished those and my next urine sample was sent off and was all clear, no infection then ended up in out of hours with visible blood in urine, they dipped and said obviously boood and sign of infection, gave me a quick scan with an ultrasound which showed a full bladder, ct scan which was clear, bloods showed slight infection but have a cough and cold, iv antibiotics and sent home with more antibiotics, I still have visible blood in my urine and now of course have read that you need a cystoscopy to determine bladder cancer, this has been going on for ages and is getting me really down but feel I’m not getting anywhere and of course terrified it’s some form of cancer, my doctors seem to be uninterested and I don’t know what to do, any advise would be gratefully received x