View Full Version : I apologise for this...

19-06-07, 22:07
...but i am SOOO happy and that doesn't happen often!
For the last TWO years i've been searching for a grey or tabby kitten. Recently i've had disasterous "meetings" with people with kittens, but finally today.....i have been VERY VERY lucky :)


Please meet Ms Bluebell-Bow and Mr Buster McBuster :yesyes:
They'll join my other three cats.....Bella-Bop, Blossom-Boo (aka Boobie) and Billy (aka Billbo):ohmy: .

From now on i will be known as the "Mad cat lady from down the road"...lol


19-06-07, 22:11
CUTE:hugs: :hugs:

19-06-07, 22:19

TOO CUTE:winks:

Congrats on the new additions to your family:flowers:


19-06-07, 22:19
awww cute!

Love the new family!

19-06-07, 22:21
Ohhhh i want one !!!!!!

They are georgeous !!!!!:)

Looks like they have found themselves a lovely home:)


19-06-07, 22:44
you want another one lol ...................blueball beach bum she is....

19-06-07, 22:46
No apology needed lol:D

Soooooo cute ty for sharing:yesyes:

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

19-06-07, 22:48
:) Love them,

They are sooo cute.

Jim :hugs:

19-06-07, 23:04
They are well cute:yesyes: :yesyes:

19-06-07, 23:11
I am mad...see....cat flipping mad!
No more, i promise.

Meet Billy...she was on top of my cupboard and refused to come down! She looks a grumper, but she's gorgeous really!


This is Boobie....my favourite, but don't tell the others. She is the oldest and mother to Bella and grandmother to Billy. All my cats are related :)


...and finally, Bella-Bop, she's a cutie and has only got 3 legs. She had a terrible accident and the vet had to chop it off as it was broken so badly. It happened 4 years ago and she's just fine, she doesn't need 4 legs...lol!!!


Thats it, i am embarassing myself now.


19-06-07, 23:45
Awwwww what a lovely bunch of cats!!!!

Ive got 3 cats and a funny story!!!

3 years ago we got a black cat who for some reason I named Sambo!!!!

Now those of us of a certain age will remember the sitcom LOVE THY NEIGHBOUR!!!

Well all was well till 3 weeks ago when we had new neighbours move in!!!

Now Sambo is known as rambo lol

Yes you guessed it ...... the new neighbours are Jamacian!!!!!!

And very nice too I must add!!!

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

20-06-07, 01:44
I love them all......oh tis making me feline broody now.........

20-06-07, 01:48
Aww I really want one! They are soo cute. Thanks Bluebell for sharing :hugs:

Karen xx

20-06-07, 10:41
OMG... all my life ive wanted a grey cat and that kitten of yours is sooooo cute... i had to put my cat down about 2 weeks ago cos he got kidney disease and was in a bad way :weep: .. he was the funniest cat in the world... but cant wait until i can find a grey kitten to replace him with

20-06-07, 10:57
Your cats are sooo beautiful and they have made me chuckle, which is something i needed this morning.

I love cats too, my cat is called Muppet and she is a brown tabby. She drives me mad but i love her to bits.


PS the kittens are gorgeous!

20-06-07, 11:00
Oh they are such pretty kittens, lucky you :D

20-06-07, 11:04
I cannot begin to explain how hard i've been looking for these colour kittens. I've been in every vets within a 20 mile radius, looking in shop windows, advertising boards, papers, ONLINE......you name it, i've done it.

On Wednesday last week i actually said that i'd given up looking for them, i was getting so fed up - but look when happens when you stop looking :)

Got to go to work now...but if anyone has any ideas of how to introduce them to the other cats then i'd appreciate it.


20-06-07, 12:01
ahh they are lovely, I love animals and if I could Id own lots of pets.

Did anyone watch the news yesturday in china where they were skinning dogs and cats for thier fur, it actually made me cry, they showwed lovely little kittens cowering in the corner of a cage.
I would love to get hold of those horrible people and skin them alive !!!

20-06-07, 12:31
Ah They are all so gorgeous hun so very cute.

I'm cat mad to. http://i109.photobucket.com/albums/n52/ultra4ver/img/animals/017.gif I have 3 rescue cats from the Cats Protection. Snoops 13 Sausage 2 and Tonto our one eyed baby who is just a year old. I love them all so very very dearly they are so loving and affectionate they are my babies.:hugs:

Heres a pic of them,

Here's some info that might help :) ,


Take Care ,

Good luck with your new kitties,http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/36/36_22_18.gif (http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb001_ZCxdm594YYGB)

Love Pip's :flowers: X X X X

20-06-07, 17:10
Hi Bluebell

What gorgeous cats! I'm cat mad too. I've got Rosie Freya a lovely rescue tabby, Wilton Willowby a tortie and Lula Lazoola who's black and white.

Lula only came to us before Christmas as a kitten. I think the two older cats accepted her because she wasn't a threat as she's a kitten. We just introduced them and let them get on with it but kept an eye on things.

Good luck with your new feline friends


20-06-07, 18:28
Pips...You're cats are gorgeous. The fluffy tabby.....:cupid:

Thanks for the links :)


20-06-07, 20:07
Awwww bless I love cats, they are all so cute!!

22-06-07, 11:13
:hugs: Thanks Hun,:hugs:

22-06-07, 11:38
how gorgeous! enjoy your new kittens.
kate xx