View Full Version : severe health anxiety episode

14-11-17, 13:46
HI, this is my first post on here. I have found the forum helpful because I have awful health anxiety. I am actually on a leave from my job right now because I am too anxious to work. I also think that being off is making my brain focus even more on symptoms etc.

Anyway about a month and a half ago I hurt my knee carrying a massive load of laundry down the stairs. (laundry is my nemesis). My knees have never been very good and I am currently taking zyrexa because anxiety so bad but I put on 40 lbs from june until now. I was already very over weight and this extra poundage was not what my body needed. So i went to physio for my knee and was recovering. Well don't I go and fall in a bloody hole in my kids babysitters front garden that was left there by the house builder. I twisted my ankle so awfully on the same side of my bad knee that was trying to recover. The pain was just awful. It took my breath away and I couldn't get up for about 10 mins. I have a pretty good pain threshold but this hurt something dreadful. So now I have a bum knee and a badly sprained ankle. I did get an X-ray about a week later but they said no fracture or broken bone. Its been 4 weeks and its still swollen. I have been going to physic and wearing a tensor.

Well about 2 weeks into this I got a bad chest cold. yes, I am a smoker and had quit for 10 years but started again in June of this year because of stress (my uncle died, my son diagnosed with autism, work issues). Obviously the smoking is doing nothing for my anxiety but I am addicted again and have an appt at a stop smoking clinic on november 27. I need to quit. I am 43 this year and my mum died 20 years ago at 43. The age 43 has been in my head for over 20 years and I have been petrified that I too will die at 43. She smoked and died in about 2 weeks from pancreatic cancer. It was very traumatizing for me. It was her brother who died suddenly of cancer (non smoker) in August. His death brought everything back and my anxiety got worse and worse, hence the zyprexa added to cloimparmine that i was already taking. I have a 20 year history of anxiety and depression.

So one evening watching tv I notice that my legs feel very cold and numb. I didn't think much about it and thought it was from my ankle but it was both legs. By day 3 of this numbness my anxiety was at an all time high. I went to my doctor and she said its stress and being overweight and my ankle. I still panicked and went to emergency and they said not much and gave me ativan. Anyway, I went back to my doctor and she assured me that I was ok and that my anxiety was especially awful and I needed to be referred to a new psych for medical review and assessment. She did the usual normal blood work and everything was perfect she said. I felt better initially but i the symptoms did not go away. Now my lower back was also stiff and achy a lot too. My whole body was sore and uncomfortable. So here I am. I keep thinking she needs to do more tests and that I am not fine. I think things like I have colon cancer, ovarian cancer some cancer or something that is causing this numbness and tingling in my legs. I wake up every morning hoping it will just go a way but it hasn't. I have started to go to the gym to get stronger and I have also started a diet to lose weight as the doctor said it would help. But my anxiety is so awful and my mood is so up and down. I keep thinking the blood work is wrong or that she missed something. The new psych doc i will see wants my blood work from her and I am now worried that he will find something wrong with it because she missed it. My feet are also achy but I am over weight, very. I have read that anafranil (clomiprmaine) can cause numbness and tingling and I am on 200mg of that and 5 mg of zyprexa.

I am so sorry this is so long and I hope it makes some sense. I just want to feel better. I wish there was a switch that I could help my brain turn off these awful fears and take away the numbness. What in gods name is wrong with me? :weep:

14-11-17, 14:33
Sorry you've been through so much.

I know for a fact that anxiety can cause leg tingling. I've had it myself. It can vary from tingling, to pins and needles, to a hot/cold feeling, to numbness, to trembling, in one or both legs. It's stopped happening to me now, but it was completely anxiety related in my case. So it could very well be in yours as well.

Even if it isn't that, it doesn't sound unfeasible that you could get some tingling in your legs if you've actually injured one of them, or I guess being overweight could just put a bit more pressure on them.

I think it's really unlikely to be anything sinister. I can't even think of any serious medical conditions that would have this as a symptom, and I do a lot of research! Particularly since your doctor says you're fine, and you've had tests done.

Like you say, losing weight and giving up smoking would surely be beneficial to your health (easier said than done though) but I really don't think the leg tingling is indicative of anything bad!