View Full Version : Just joined, very anxious

14-11-17, 18:02
Hi, a family problem ten days ago has plunged me into an acute anxiety that is out of all proportion to the problem itself. I have become obsessed with catastrophic outcomes from this event, and the constant fear and panic I now feel has me obsessing about other things too. Today I have convinced myself that I will never get over this and will end up losing my job and my home. I cannot believe that I have spiralled down so quickly and I do not know how to get out. I suffered from this many years ago but have coped well ever since - until now. I jus need to share with others and feel less alone right now.

14-11-17, 18:08
Hiya sansto and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

15-11-17, 03:46
Hi Sansto

Welcome to NMP!

I am in a similar position myself at the moment. Huge family problems raising my anxiety levels to the point where I worry I will not be able to function in my job, which itself is extremely stressful!!! Then of course the additional worries of losing job, home etc. I often look at the down and outs on the street, whom I see daily, and wonder how I would fare amongst all that. A grim thought!

What helped you improve your situation last time? Could you use some of those coping strategies again? NMP is a very supportive community and any issues you want to post under the various headings in the forum will usually find help and suggestions from others who have been there. I'm sure you will find plenty of help on this site. Wishing you all the best.

Tyke :)

15-11-17, 13:03
Thanks for reaching out to me. It helps to ‘now I’m not alone. I’ve made an appointment to see a cbt therapist tonight. Hopefully it will help me on the road to recovery.