View Full Version : Question about Bpa please answer

14-11-17, 19:06
There's been studies that Bpa in receipts causes cancer. This might sound nuts but I'm freaking out cause I had fast food and my food touched the receipt and also I ate after I touched it. I know I'm probably making a big deal out of nothing but after reading about it I'm very worried. Any advice

14-11-17, 19:19
If you eat 50 receipts a day for 20 years you might have a concern. Until then, I wouldn't worry about it. The fast food itself has much worse in it.

14-11-17, 19:27
I don't mean to make light of this because I know you're freaking out about it but seriously, this is way, way, way, WAY out there! :wacko:

Positive thoughts

14-11-17, 20:18
LOL I know it sounded crazy thanks for the replies :)