View Full Version : Insomnia Fears :(:'( & pregnancy

14-11-17, 20:43

I am new here. 33 yo female. I am 14 weeks pregnant and been having progressive issues with sleep since early in my first trimester. Initially, I did have out of control anxiety and was having intense panic attacks--so this may have played a part. This is my second pregnancy and I had similar issues with panic and anxiety in my first pregnancy during the first trimester--overall this has subsided greatly, and probably started trailing off around week 10. I still have anxiety, but its more controllable.

However, the insomnia I have been experiencing has been ongoing and I'm starting to freak out of over it. I don't sleep well at night, I feel as if I'm constantly tossing/turning/waking up, not getting restorative sleep. I feel as though I am dreaming vividly all night.

I stupidly started reading about insomnia on a pregnancy forum and someone off-handedly mentioned "sporadic fatal insomnia." This has totally sent me off the rails, especially since I have been having issues for months now.

I have slept better the night I've taken benadryl out of desperation, but its still not a normal full night of sleep. I took some last night, but was so anxious about all of this, it was only minimally helpful.

I feel so upset, and beside myself despite the fact that I know it literally makes no sense to be fearing this right now. What are the odds I have this exceedingly rare disease that just happened to show up when I became pregnant, or...that I'm just pregnant :(

I did read this AM that zantac, which I am on a high dose of, can cause insomnia, so I am stopping that to see if it helps, but I'm not very hopeful about that :(

Have any of you had this fear? How do you talk yourself out of it?


15-11-17, 20:24
Hello :)

I'm sorry I cannot help you in a more personal sense as this has never happened to me as I have never been pregnant! I have however done a little research into this condition in the hopes that your anxiety might be eased a little bit!

Firstly I have looked up a study which states that 78% women suffer from some form of sleep disturbance during pregnancy. That will cover a whole range of issues including insomnia like yourself. Anxiety also has a tendency to make people sleepless, especially when something is on their mind. Insomnia can in turn make anxiety worse which makes the insomnia worse, which ends up in a horrible cycle for you!
Sporadic fatal insomnia has a total of 8 documented cases worldwide, and I have also seen that unlike the familial version (which is equally rare and runs from generation to generation) it's first presentation is not insomnia, and is cognitive decline to the point of not being able to function day to day. The fact that you are on here and intelligently putting across your fears is a sign for me that sporadic fatal insomnia is not the case.

Health anxiety is horrible and makes no sense even when you are rationalizing it yourself you cannot un-feel the anxiety sometimes. I would speak to your doctor about the issues with the insomnia and anxiety and see if there are any ways in which they can be helping you get through this.

Keep strong mamma to be! :)

15-11-17, 20:56
Oh my goodness, I can so relate. I am 24 weeks pregnant and my sleep has been HORRIBLE. I only sleep a full night if I take Benadryl or something like that too. Even then I still wake up. Now it's worse because I am peeing constantly, back hurts, etc. But it started months ago. Honestly I think it is so common in pregnancy and you really aren't at risk for fatal insomnia. I am just trying to tell myself that this is how it is with pregnancy and a lot of women suffer from it.

15-11-17, 21:24
Pregnancy makes sleep so horrible I started struggling as soon as the kicks starting and the urge to pee, sadly it'll only get worse ;) congratulations though

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