View Full Version : DVT fears

14-11-17, 22:59
Hi all :)

So for the past 5 days I have been having a weird sensation in my right leg, today that turned to pain. It's on and off, but does feel achy most of the time. I'm very worried about a DVT and the subsequent risk of PE and death. I have none of the other features of DVT - no redness, swelling etc. but just this odd sensation and pain. I went to A&E 5 days ago and they said there was no clot but things have just gotten worse since. I feel so stupid thinking about this because I am training to work within healthcare and I know it is so unlikely. I also have a weird pain in my chest which has been going on for 3 weeks. GP said it was costochondiritis but all she did to diagnose it was poke me hard in the chest (believe it or not that causes pain), and I also feel a bit more dizzy than usual today. I feel like I am going mad and I haven't slept properly in weeks because of fear. Any words of advice/encouragement? I have a further appointment with another GP tomorrow but right now I'm left scared and sleepless.