View Full Version : Really struggling today... Any advice appreciated!

15-11-17, 01:12
Hi everyone,

I've posted a few times on here and everyone has been absolutely amazing to me. I appreciate the reality check that people provide to me. It's funny because previous to this bout of health anxiety, I was the most rational person ever. That has all gone down the drain.

I developed health based obsessions in January and since then have been convinced I've had 14 different types of cancers. I've been tested for all of my fears. In March, I started worrying about stomach and esophageal cancer and ended up getting an endoscope for my perceived difficulty swallowing and GERD. The doctor noticed a small spot of erosion at the bottom of my esophagus and took some biopsies that came back clear. I continued to experience the same symptoms and doubted that test so I went to a different GI doctor and they also did an endoscope. The results were the same. I'm still continuing to feel like food is getting stuck and having horrible GeRD symptoms and have wanted a third endoscope so badly. I know that this is for reassurance but there is also that health anxiety part of me wondering, what if the doctors missed it or what if it was yoo small then but is large now. I attribute any symptom I have to cancer. I worry that the back pain or chest pain is from the tumor, I worry about my lungs etc

I have not sought out another endoscope but am struggling and looking for any support!

Thanks everyone.

au Lait
15-11-17, 01:55
I'm sorry you're struggling right now. :( Instead of trying to get that third endoscope, maybe it would be better to discuss your issues with anxiety with your doc. S/he may be able to write you a referral to someone who can help, perhaps with CBT or the like.

15-11-17, 08:22
A third endoscope would provide the same findings as would a fourth and a fifth etc etc. Endoscopes are foreign bodies and with every scope you have you put yourself at risk of perforation of the oesophagus (minimal but still needs to be said). You have been diagnosed with GERD and you are pregnant. Are you losing weight/regurgitating food after eating/suffering from dysphagia? What test would satisfy you?

15-11-17, 08:44
Surely you are like 39 weeks pregnant now? How are you even thinking about this? I was exhausted and fed up when I was at that point lol

All the pain you have is completely normal for a pregnant women everything is squished and moved up to make space for a baby.

Hope you feel better soon

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15-11-17, 08:50
When is your baby due? Do you worry that your "disease" will affect how you cope with labour? Is your fear of cancer overriding all other fears relating to the birth? You don't mention your pregnancy much in your posts. It must be a very difficult time for you:hugs:

15-11-17, 21:57
Hi everyone,

I've posted a few times on here and everyone has been absolutely amazing to me. I appreciate the reality check that people provide to me. It's funny because previous to this bout of health anxiety, I was the most rational person ever. That has all gone down the drain.

I developed health based obsessions in January and since then have been convinced I've had 14 different types of cancers. I've been tested for all of my fears. In March, I started worrying about stomach and esophageal cancer and ended up getting an endoscope for my perceived difficulty swallowing and GERD. The doctor noticed a small spot of erosion at the bottom of my esophagus and took some biopsies that came back clear. I continued to experience the same symptoms and doubted that test so I went to a different GI doctor and they also did an endoscope. The results were the same. I'm still continuing to feel like food is getting stuck and having horrible GeRD symptoms and have wanted a third endoscope so badly. I know that this is for reassurance but there is also that health anxiety part of me wondering, what if the doctors missed it or what if it was yoo small then but is large now. I attribute any symptom I have to cancer. I worry that the back pain or chest pain is from the tumor, I worry about my lungs etc

I have not sought out another endoscope but am struggling and looking for any support!

Thanks everyone.

I can definitely empathize as I am going through the same. I also have thought I have had many different deadly illnesses spend time obsessing on the possibility of having some undiagnosed ailment. This leads to anxiety, panic, and depression. A month ago I started feeling a "pill stuck in esophagus" sensation, right at the lower esophageal sphincter. I tried to convince myself it was reflux or something benign. It was only a matter of time before I had full blown catastrophized myself into esophageal cancer and onto gastric cancer. I know the odds of these are so very low and this is much more likely to be something more minor like reflux, esophageal sensitivity or webs, etc. But the panic continues and is debilitating. I have not had an endo, but did go to the dr and she is having me try raditidine for a couple weeks to see if that helps.

Hope you feel better.