View Full Version : afraid of hair loss

15-11-17, 05:07
my hair is thin, so the day after i wash them, they are already greasy, no matter what kind of shampoo i use. so the day they are dirty, i tie my hair back in a high ponytail. then the next day, i wash them and i let them loose until i go to bed, because sleeping with my hair loose makes it even greasier the next morning. so in short, one day my hair is loose, the next it's tied, and then its loose again and so on, and everynight they are tied. i use a fabric hair tie and i try to not pull it too tight. occasionally only a few strands hurt since they are tied tighter than the rest. recently i saw that pulling your hair back to often could make you go bald, and it is making me panic. i am trying to let my hair loose more, and i stopped tying it the night before i wash them. i don't feel like i'm losing my hair, but the shorter strands that frame my face seem thinner to the touch, but maybe that's just me. can anyone relate to my panic?

15-11-17, 06:06
I can relate to your panic! This is how my current bout of bad anxiety started. I was in a major panic about my hair and became obsessed with worries that it was looking thinner and that too much was falling out. I was counting how many hairs I'd lost and constantly looking at other people's hair. It was horrible and it has really spiralled my anxiety. If you a search on the HA forum there are a few of us who've been through this recently.

19-11-17, 02:20
thank you for your response!
i have a tender spot on the back-top of my hair that gets worse when i move the hair in that spot, so i'm scared that i'm gonna lose that hair. i had my hair in a ponytail for a bit today and it's probably because it pulled that part. i also got dry shampoo as replacement for ponytails.