View Full Version : health professionals

15-11-17, 08:19
Morning all!

So Im sat here in my lovely little room seeing all kinds of people with all sorts of conditions. Why is it I can dish out sound, expert and scientifically correct advice but not take it :doh:
The amount of other nurses I see who have HA is unbelievable so I wanted to know if anyone knows of any sites specifically for healthcare workers with HA? Its not that I think we are any more special or different its just sometimes I feel less alone in my profession?

15-11-17, 09:27
I don't have HA but I work with the elderly and sometimes they have such horrible conditions and I can completely understand how you feel, I do feel very anxious around them and it makes me feel very anxious for the my own future etc

I don't know of any sites but I hope you find the right support as I imagine it can be very triggering for you if you have HA working in such a job, just go easy on yourself and never be afraid to talk to someone about it

As for not taking your own advice I think that's a trait most people wish they had, I certainly don't. I am constantly telling my son not to worry, not to be anxious and yet I still do.

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15-11-17, 10:04
thanks Ellie x

15-11-17, 14:59
Hi Blonde123, for what it's worth I am a psychotherapist and yet I sit here with my own crippling anxiety at times. We are all human and I find it's easier to work on somebody else's "stuff" than my own at times. But in the end I also try to use my anxiety as a tool, as something I can draw from to empathize with the people I work with.

I don't know of any forums or resources, but I found a therapist who specializes in working with other therapists and healthcare workers and that has been helpful to me.

16-11-17, 10:49
Thanks swgrl. That must be hard listening to other people but I can see how it makes you more understanding. It's hard isn't it, I hate this feeling. Do you find your therapist helpful? I'm considering paying privately for a therapist myself.

16-11-17, 13:47
Yes, she has been quite helpful with reducing how critical I am of myself and how I beat myself up for being human. It's been worth it for me.

16-11-17, 14:19
Hi Blonde! I am a physician recruiter and work in a hospital. I see and hear things that definitely spike my anxiety but the people I meet and hire help me realize that there are great care takers out there!

16-11-17, 15:17
Thanks Elyse and what a wonderful name its beautiful x
That's a positive angle to it, I must remember that there are always lovely people out there that care x

16-11-17, 15:57
Thanks Elyse and what a wonderful name its beautiful x
That's a positive angle to it, I must remember that there are always lovely people out there that care x

thank you so much!