View Full Version : Diverticulitis? help please! HA sky high :(

15-11-17, 11:37
Ok after almost 4 weeks of extreme anxiety due to constant alternating diorreah and constipation, stomach cramps, back ache, generally feeling awful, no appitite, pain under my right lower rib etc I’ve had 7 gp appointments, 1 out of hours appt and 2 a&e visits and nothing has been picked up on x-ray (checking for blockage), blood fine, urine fine and poo sample fine. I went back to my gp Monday as still not feeling better and he gave me a 7 days course of ciprofloxacin incase of diverticulitis. I instantly felt better and the diorreah slowed down/formed up (sorry tmi) and I’ve started eating little bits here and there again. Today is day 3 of the antibiotics (2 per day) and my bm’s are lose again :( not as bad or watery as before but definitely looser than yesterday. Still some nightly cramps and back ache.

I’m so stressed out, can’t stop thinking the worse (colon cancer) :( my doctor prescribed ondansetron alongside the ciprofloxacin and having googled I’ve seen some reported interactions and I’m worried sick! Has anyone else had those together?

Waiting for an appointment for colonoscopy now!

15-11-17, 11:53
Hi, the only way to accurately diagnose diverticulitis is by colonoscopy. I have moderate diverticuli on the lower right side of my colon. They are small pockets in your bowel that can trap stools and become inflamed. You doctor has given you antibiotics to stop the inflammation which is causing the pain. If the pain has eased then I would say they are doing their job. As for the loose stool antibiotics play havoc with your stomach and destroy all the good bacteria. Try some probiotic yoghurt for a week or so. But as I said, the only way to diagnose diverticulitis is a colonoscopy so try asking for a referral from your gp


15-11-17, 12:06
Thanks Darren...I’m waiting on a referral already for a colonoscopy x

15-11-17, 12:31
I have diverticulitis as well but have never been prescribed anything for it. I was told to avoid pips and seeds as they can get trapped in the pockets.