View Full Version : Popping/clicking/something rubbing together in throat when swallowing

15-11-17, 14:15
For about 2 weeks now, maybe longer, I randomly get this sensation when I swallow or yawn deeply. Feels like something around my adams apple or slightly above area pops/clicks or rubs together when I swallow or yawn deeply. Its not everytime and not everyday. I had it happen on and off all day yesterday and so far this morning though. My Dad had thyroid C. last year so that is fueling my fear. I don't feel anything on the outside of my neck and I did the swallow test for thyroid and it looked ok to me. I also had lab work done about a month ago and thyroid levels were in normal range. Although my Dads were too but he had a lump on the outside of his neck. I read this could be due to anxiety the globus thing? I have had that, the lump in throat feeling but this doesn't feel like that. Anyone had this before?

15-11-17, 18:25
Anyone? Its been happening on and off since yesterday but also randomly the last couple weeks. Its freaking me out a little.

15-11-17, 18:28
Very common. Any ENT will tell you that when you're neck gets tense, thyroid cartilage can rub up against tendons in your neck creating the popping feeling.

15-11-17, 18:32
Very common. Any ENT will tell you that when you're neck gets tense, thyroid cartilage can rub up against tendons in your neck creating the popping feeling.

Good to know! Thank you! :yesyes:

16-11-17, 13:39
Anyone else?

16-11-17, 14:46
yes i have had this also, it goes away eventually

16-11-17, 15:20
Just to chime in, I have this too off and on, and have been to the ENT (for something else, but mentioned it) and she thought it was nothing to be worried about--my neck felt normal and she did an endoscope to look down my throat for my other issue (reflux) and that showed nothing particularly concerning. Reading someone else say that it can happen from a tense neck makes sense, as I have bone spurs in my cervical spine so I get frequent spasms in my neck muscles and they are chronically tense. At this point, I just try to ignore it when it pops up. Being anxious about it just makes it more noticeable because you will "test" it by swallowing forcefully and that leads to further tension in the area. When I get worked up about it, I find it's best to take some deep breaths and maybe have a cup of tea (mine seems to be worse if my throat gets dry).

Edit: Actually, just noticed it's happening today! And of course it's a bad day for my neck, so that makes sense. Just an example of how thinking about it makes it more noticeable.

16-11-17, 18:41
Thank you everyone! I have noticed it a lot less today so I'm thinking its related to my anxiety because yesterday was a anxiety day. ;) I appreciate it!!

16-11-17, 22:03
That's a common anxiety symptom.

16-11-17, 22:22
I have had this for 7 months it's called Globus Hystericus. I live with this every day alongside some other horrible symptoms like visual trails

10-07-18, 17:50
Hi everyone. I had some of these symptoms and it turned out that I had a nodule on my thyroid and calcification of the nearby lymph nodes in my neck. I would recommend anyone with these symptoms get a neck ultrasound to find out what's going on as cancer is a possibility. Fortunately, it's an easily treatable form (thyroid / local lymph nodes), but definitely get it checked out.

10-07-18, 20:57
Hi everyone. I had some of these symptoms and it turned out that I had a nodule on my thyroid and calcification of the nearby lymph nodes in my neck. I would recommend anyone with these symptoms get a neck ultrasound to find out what's going on as cancer is a possibility. Fortunately, it's an easily treatable form (thyroid / local lymph nodes), but definitely get it checked out.

Wow, talk about triggering people on an anxiety forum! Thankfully, it didn't me but only because I recently had a neck ultrasound (3 weeks ago) to follow up on the nodules that I have. My ENT says they're nothing to be concerned with as they have stayed the same and another shrunk. I do have a enlarged thyroid but again nothing to worry over per my Dr. It might explain the symptoms though but I definitely notice it more during anxiety.

Anyway, next time please try not to alarm and throw out the C. word on an HA forum. Ugh! If it wasn't for my recent scan and my doctor's reassurance I'd be in a full blown panic. :lac: