View Full Version : Anxiety or vertigo?

15-11-17, 15:45
Can anyone tell me about the dizziness you get with anxiety? I have been getting this the past week or so and it's getting worse but I don't know if this is because I am focusing on it? I'm getting this feeling when I move that everything is a fraction behind if that makes sense? It's like a kind of head rush feeling that I keep getting. I don't know whether this is possibly caused by anxiety or whether it's an ear thing. It's something else that is making me miserable and making me feel like I can't beat this anxiety as there is something physical causing my symptoms. The Dr looked in my ears but he couldn't see anything wrong.

15-11-17, 15:47
I haven't figured out if its from my anxiety or its legit. But I get this whenever I travel by boat/airplane/ride elevators a lot/go on amusement park rides etc. I feel like I'm walking around on a trampoline or a rocking boat. I feel like I'm bobbing constantly. I also get pressure in my head and ears. It usually lasts anywhere from a few days to a month or so before it subsides. :/ Like you, I've been to the Dr about it and never found a cause.

31-12-17, 17:53
I get it very similar to yourself. I often describe it as feeling as though there is a lag between my eyes and my brain. Also feel as though there's pressure in-between my eyes and forehead. Very annoying but I'm 100% it's caused by our overactive brains!

My techniques at the moment are no more than one coffee a day, making sure to get into nature once a day and breathing techniques. I've found gardening helps.

Keep plodding on, this too shall pass!