View Full Version : Now new twitching in face, guys I"m freaking out

15-11-17, 22:48
Ok so as you know I've had twitching for almost 5 months and now i've noticed that if i half smile my whole side twitches now, including my cheek!
If I do a snarl like a pirate it twitches, I'm going insane. I don't have my second neuro appointment till Wednesday and it's Thursday.
Does this sound like BFS or more a hemifacial spasm?
I was up all night with twitches all over my body, my elbow, then it moved to my legs, my feet then back to my elbow... what is going on????

15-11-17, 23:07
Take a step back if you can and imagine that your post is by somebody other than you. What would you think? You'd wonder why on earth they are doing such strange things with their facial muscles.

The very fact you are constantly testing your face and contorting it into odd shapes will increase the likelihood of twitching sensations. You're putting the muscles under strain.

To be honest, it just sounds like bog standard muscles spasms from tensing and contracting of the facial muscles.

15-11-17, 23:10
Yeah well after I calmed down and tried it again it didn't twitch as bad... but still twitched.
I"m heading to the chemist now to get the nortriptyline ... starting it today .. I'm over this ServerError .... I just want to be 'normal and happy' again!
xo - will re-read your post on my site.

15-11-17, 23:12
Just remember, you are currently in no state of mind to interpret what your body does. If I do a big one sided smile, my cheek quivers and when I relax it, there's a bit of residual twitching there. It's just normal.

I refuse to "grr" like a pirate...

15-11-17, 23:15
Seriously, no-one needs to be going grrr like a pirate. Stop this nonsense

15-11-17, 23:22
Thanks servererror and yes I know I have no idea why I do what I do melfish.... I'm my own worst enemy I need to get out of my own bloody way!
Going to get the drugs guys, wish me luck. x

15-11-17, 23:49
Trust me, I've been there. The problem with all these self-tests is, they just fuel the anxiety cycle. They have the exact opposite effect to the one we intend, which is to reassure ourselves.

Everyone has bodily quirks and idiosyncrasies, but most people remain pretty oblivious to them. We HA sufferers not only find them, but also attribute sinister causes to them. You really need to stop contorting your face. You're making the problem worse by training your brain to react with fear, which releases more adrenaline and cortisol, which causes more twitching.

Try shrugging it off, see what happens. What have you got to lose?

16-11-17, 00:23
I’m right there with you with twitches. Lay in bed last night and could feel all my muscles twitching one after the other.

The funny thing is, when I read your post, I had clarity. As in, she obviously has BFS. I mean, ALS isn’t all over the body in the beginning.

But I can’t have the same clarity with myself.

As I type, my shoulder is twitching. Probably because I remain tense and hunched over all day. But in my mind........

16-11-17, 01:06
HI MOLE HILL, yeah I know I do that with others too and as Server said if I read this post I"d laugh a little and go - well it's obviously anxiety - look at the state you're in!
Right now my jaws are twitching, my eyes are twitching and my mouth has tremors, if I distract myself i don't notice anything and the funny thing is is that my eye twitch is getting better, but still twitches when I touch it.
I just want a magic pill to not worry anymore!!!!!

16-11-17, 01:27
If I do a snarl like a pirate it twitches, I'm going insane.

Yep... that takes the cake :huh:


Positive thoughts

16-11-17, 01:39
Ha ha x

16-11-17, 02:46
Are you gonna make a new thread for every body part that twitches?

16-11-17, 02:47
If I'm allowed!!! My hands are trembling now if I point - my index finger twitches!!