View Full Version : Looking for some reassurance.

Stacey Lou
16-11-17, 03:50
Hey all!

Hope everyone is well. It's been a while since I last posted, been diagnosed with a bunch of different stuff, but have been getting on with everything. I'm just looking for a little advice for a problem Iv been having with my chest. So I recently went back to my doctors after having a constant vibration/grating feeling at the bottom of my lung/rib on the right side, going toward the side of my back. Iv had this issue for a year, and given that it's been getting worse I thought it would be best to have it re checked out. Anyway, I went to my doctor, explained as best I could the feeling I was getting, I explained that I had been about it back in February and that the doctor without examining me had said he thought it was just muscle and if it didn't go away in a few months to come back. I told her that I had been trying to ignore it ever since because I thought it was all in my head, but that recently I had started to get an occasional wheeze, a whistling noise in my throats and noise whilst breathing, and also some occasional pain when taking a deep breath in, also I had started to get a feeling of bubbles popping at the site of the vibration. She had a long listen to my chest and said that my right lung at the base was considerably noisier then the left and that she would be inclined to tell me I had a lung infection but because I haven't got any other symptoms and Iv had this issue for a year, she was going to rule out the possibility of a chest infection straight away. She also said she would possibly think about trying me on a blue inhaler but she couldn't understand why asthma would only affect one lung ( I haven't been diagnosed with asthma) given that the doctor that I was seeing was only a student, she asked the other doctor to come in and have a listen. He did and he agreed with what she said about the noise in my lung and stated that it sounded crackly? But according to them it wasn't a wheeze. He also ruled out an infection, and sent me for a chest x ray and also asked me to do some lung function tests with the nurse. This has all got me quite concerned and I'm just wondering if anyone has ever been diagnosed with asthma in one lung? Also does anyone know exactly what chest X-rays show? My mum has just been diagnosed with lung cancer and the chest X-ray completely missed it, although it was only 1cm. Also does anyone know what a crackle could indicate? The doctor said that if my X-ray and lung functions come back clear then they will be referring me to a specialist. Thank you all who took the time to read this, really appreciate it x

07-06-19, 16:44
Did you find out?

Because I'm experiencing the same thing

07-06-19, 17:05
Did you find out?

Because I'm experiencing the same thing

The OP hasn't been on since 2017.

Positive thoughts