View Full Version : Having a really bad time

20-06-07, 04:49
I have been having a really bad time the last few weeks due to a lady I used to work with. Her husband died suddenly from an aneurysm a few weeks ago.

This is one of my health anxieties, but not one that I was too worried about. It has now been in constant thought with me everyday since it happened and I keep thinking that it will happen to me.

I have had headahces, tightness and pains etc in my head that I know is due to anxiety, tension, stress and tight muscles, but do you think my brain will agree with me. I am finding it really hard to put this out of my mind. Today I am also getting quick sharp pains in the right hand side of my chest above the breast and I am scaring myself that something is going to happen.

Please if you could give me some peace of mind I would really appreciate it.


20-06-07, 05:13
Oh hun :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Believe me what you are feeling is anxiety related.
When something happens to someone it is so hard for me not to let my health anxiety take over and run with it and my brain tells me that I must have the same horrible condition!! It's a scary thing but you have to acknowledge the feeling and move on and not let it consume you!!!

I sure hope that you feel better REAL soon!!!

The pains and muscle aches you are having are common with anxiety and really the best thing is to try and relax. VERY HARD TO DO when you feel like you are right now but try to do the best you can.
Take a hot bath - maybe try to take your mind off things by reading or doing a crossword - anything to get your mind on something else.

Sending you loads of hugs and positive thoughts hun:hugs::hugs::hugs:.


20-06-07, 08:41
Sorry you are feeling like this.

Certainly does sound like tension/anxiety symptoms, I know exactly what you mean about knowing something, but your head/brain will not agree.

I hope you are feeling better soon.

20-06-07, 08:57
awwww sweetie , everything you describe is classic anxiety, have you tried to challenge the thoughts ?

its hard to accept that all those horrible feelings are anxiety I know but acceptance is part of the recovery process, stay strong, remember to relax as much as possible

take care love


21-06-07, 00:40
Thankyou all for your responses. I had a bad night last night as my head got really tight and my jaw ended up being the same. But today I feel so much better. I still have some tightness and a slight headache but after reading your responses it has put me at ease and I have begun to be able to gather my thoughts.


21-06-07, 11:30
No wonder you are anxious. A family friend died suddenly a few months ago of a brain haemorage, it really shook me up and tipped my anxiety over the edge. I was obsessed I had a tumour or something because of the headaches I was experiencing. They soon passed once my dr reassured me.

I would go and see your GP for a check up, peace of mind will make you realise its all tension.

21-06-07, 12:32
This is a big fear of mine, my dads sister (my aunt) died aged 45 of this,
she used to say how i looked just like her (we were so alike) and i seemed to get the same health problems as her.
when she died we found out that 4 other people on my dads side of the family have died of this, so you can imagine this freaked me out !
my grandads sister died of it, and my grandads brothers daughter and my great grandmother.
As its in the family ,I got offered a brain scan to see if i have the "weakness" but i declined cos im too afraid.