View Full Version : Cough and bending over hurts head

16-11-17, 18:16
I have has this before and it scared the shit out of me then and it's come back with a vengeance - everytime cough or bend over i get a tight pain the back right hand side of my head. I have also been seeing allot of black trails when i am looking at bright lights/white walls.

Does anyone else suffer with anything like this it's really worrying me

16-11-17, 19:20
Im not an export on it but maybe its a migrane. You can get all different syptoms for them

16-11-17, 21:05
I have this exact same thing right now. I'm thinking it might be a virus that's working its way through my system at the moment. Haven't been feeling very well this week.

16-11-17, 22:20
I have has this on off for quite some time now. Whats symptoms dod you get specifically ?

16-11-17, 22:30
It almost sounds like you have a muscle strain - like maybe you've been sleeping funny and holding your head in a weird way.

Have you been to the doctor? S/he might be able to suggest something to alleviate the strain.

31-12-18, 21:07
Hey man did you find conclusion to this or got a CT scan ? I have the same thing going on...

31-12-18, 22:45
I have this pretty much every time I have a cold or sinus infection. The cough headache is almost always due to the overuse of muscles in the head. Every time you cough your head muscles also contract. But yes, you can definitely find a post like this one in my own thread history. It’s never anything to worry about :)

03-01-19, 22:38
Generally migraines cause more pain when coughing or bending. I get one usually once a month and any movement is awful.

---------- Post added at 20:38 ---------- Previous post was at 20:37 ----------

Seeing spots, trails can also be caused by migraines.

03-01-19, 22:44
Sinus infection maybe. Bending over and feeling pain in your head is a tell tale sign of that. Do you have any nasal congestion?