View Full Version : Brain cancer fear again.

17-11-17, 03:44
I've been "hypochondria free" for a while now, so to speak, but it's come back recently.

A few nights ago, I slept on the couch (as I usually do), and I slept on my right shoulder wrong. I probably hit a nerve or cut off the flow. When I woke up, everything was fine other than my arm feeling a bit sore when stretched, and a bit heavy too.

...being a hypochondriac, this didn't end well.

I'm once again constantly worried about getting some sort of rare brain tumor, the deadly kind, the one that'll kill me before I have a chance to get it fixed or cured or say goodbye, that kind. Mainly, DIPG (google at your own risk, I'm pretty certain I'm here because I made the mistake of googling survival statistics). I'm 17, it's really scary for me. When this stuff happens, as I said earlier, I did google (big mistake probably) and I'm just really scared of, y'know, dying.

I won't lie, my right arm still feels heavy, but only when I really think about it. I'm used to psychosomatic things like that before, like for example, I got headaches today after I thought about something growing in my head for a long time. I don't seem to exhibit any other symptoms of what I'm fearing, though.

That doesn't change the fact that I'm still constantly worrying about this again. I'm going to go see my psych tomorrow, but I'm still really freaking out about this. I know better, I want to get it through that its just anxiety, but its still not helping. I'd like for someone to help talk me out of this state of mind if possible.

Thanks beforehand.

17-11-17, 04:13
Yeah I'm right there with ya. I'm pretty much taken over my ALS fear which has seriously diminished in the past week or so

But this feeling in my right hand of uncoordination, along with my recent increased headache frequency, and these weird sensations I keep getting in my scalp, has my Googling and doing all the stuff I shouldn't do.

I think if I could get rid of the headaches I wouldn't worry so much. I get them pretty much every day for the past week. But I've also had some flu-like symptoms (aches, fatigue) so it's possible I am fighting off a virus. With a kid in daycare, it wouldn't be that outlandish.

Hang tough.

17-11-17, 22:19
I talked to the school therapist and my psych today. I'm feeling a lot better, which is good. I don't feel as somatic, so to speak, although its stillkinda there, and I am still somewhat worried.

Still kinda an improvement, I guess

18-11-17, 05:13
I'm very familiar with DIPG and what you are describing are not DIPG symptoms at all.

19-11-17, 01:39
Wow. Today's been a really long day. I went to the doctors because I had an episode, so to speak.

I didn't have much to eat on Friday night other than some candy that I didn't make much of a dent in. I ate nothing and I spent a lot of time still in a state of near utter panic although I didn't really feel it. This morning, I fainted.

I went to the doctors pretty prompt because oh my god I was scared because I pretty much fainted because of a panic attack.

Turns out, you CAN faint because of anxiety/stress. I didn't know that.

The doctor said I was a-okay though, which made me feel a lot better. Thank God for her.