View Full Version : Over thinking anxiety

17-11-17, 04:15
So I have been doing pretty well for the most part. I do have seasonal depression and my anxiety gets much worse in the winter. Something I am guilty of is over thinking my anxiety to the point of giving myself new problems. Like thinking I am a full blown ocd person I am crazy, gonna kill ppl , myself and so on. Anyone else have this problem and any advise to stop freaking myself out with things I prolly don't have.

17-11-17, 15:00
So I have been doing pretty well for the most part. I do have seasonal depression and my anxiety gets much worse in the winter. Something I am guilty of is over thinking my anxiety to the point of giving myself new problems. Like thinking I am a full blown ocd person I am crazy, gonna kill ppl , myself and so on. Anyone else have this problem and any advise to stop freaking myself out with things I prolly don't have.I have been quite similar recently, Ive booked in for cbt to try and get a grip on it.
Is it something you have looked into?

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18-11-17, 00:17
Ya I have been doing cbt for awhile

18-11-17, 00:50
I do this too. I try and "think away my worries and end up adding to the list of things to be worried about. Sometimes I even try and "fix" problems that don't need to be fixed, or rush into decisions to solve my worries in a way that gives me more stress.

When I get like this I try to write it all down. I write it all out on my computer as if I was telling a friend - but in complete detail. I don't know about you but when I'm stressed about something or over thinking I try and play down my thoughts to what I think "normal" people would say/think so as to not overwhelm my friends and family. Being able to write it down with no barriers helps me get it all out. Usually by the end of it I feel way calmer about it.

Then I allow myself asleep. I always feel jolted out of a spiral of worry after sleep and I can tackle the real issue better. Hope you feel better soon!

19-11-17, 20:20
Hi sage579. You sound like me. I deal with HA and most of all seasonal depression which makes my anxiety worst. Always hated winter. But as i got older hated it more. I have been feeling good for past 5 days. Trying to keep myself busy with getting things done around house before the dreaded winter comes. I guess the season's have to come and go. I hate snow and ice. I don't remember when i was younger hating it so my. I have started that book the worry trick. I am determine to stop this. I wish you luck but your not alone. Everyone here on NMP is here for you. Hope you feel better. Your not alone.