View Full Version : Some reassurance needed today

17-11-17, 10:01
Hi all,
Damn anxiety. Tonight im going away with the girls for a night of dinner and drinks and dancing etc. This you would think should be fun?! But not for someone with anxiety. I hate eating out, and lately i have found im not keen on socialising. I hate chit chat.
I had been looking forward to it all week, but woke up this morning feeling exhausted and with the usual tummy jitters and worries.
I have to sleep in a room in a room of 9 people and i hate not having my own space, i have a fear of people being sick and with alcohol involved this will be an issue!!
I can do this right? Just 1 night, just a few drinks with friends right.
😲 x

17-11-17, 13:15
You say you had been looking forward to it so you need to find that feeling again to help you tonight.
Fear and excitement are very similar feelings for the body. If you can turn your fear into excitement you will feel differently about this.

Recently I saw a TV programme where a woman presenter was terrified to go on a zip-wire and the guy who was helping her made her keep saying over and over - 'I feel excited'. Although still a bit nervous, she did it and was genuinely excited that she had succeeded.

Just one night, a few drinks with friends, you CAN do it, Sarah :yesyes:

As The Pointer Sisters sang: 'I'm So Excited'!!!!!!!