View Full Version : How can i manage pocd to make my life better???

17-11-17, 11:05
Hi I've been suffering with pocd for a while now but I'm still not sure how to manage it, how do I get things off my mind and how do I stop the feelings etc?
How have you delt with pocd?
Any advice is appreciated

18-11-17, 08:31

18-11-17, 18:50
I'm dealing with hocd but accepting the toughts without any question helps, but it's really really hard.

18-11-17, 22:37
Hi thanks for the reply, what is hocd? So just try and ignore it then?

21-11-17, 18:54
Well, hocd is when you fear that you are homosexual/bi, however it is not true. Ignoring is not always the best, just agree with them, accept them as thoughts, then without questions and checking countinue what you were doing. This is incredibly hard, makes it seems like its all true, but if you don't give in, you will have nice, clear moments when you know this is all stupid. :)

08-12-17, 09:15
Ah yeah that makes sense to accept them as thoughts, I'll give it a try, thanks

08-12-17, 17:27
Good luck with it.Also, please remember that even when it seems too real, like its reality, keep going.It usually gets worse before it gets better.

09-12-17, 15:28
Thank you, one thing that does me in is groinal responses, do you have them? If so do you know how to get rid of them? Thanks again

12-12-17, 20:10
Yup, those were the worst and are the worst still sometimes.I got rid of it by didn't trying to get rid of it.Did not panic about it, noticed it then continued to agree with the thoughts and went on with my other thoughts, and things I was currently doing.

12-12-17, 21:14
And it went away? I'm not feeling well at the moment and I don't know what to do

13-12-17, 19:01
Well, not all of a sudden, but it slowly dissolwed.
Sometimes I still have bad days, but the past 3-4 days I was 100% clear from thoughts.
Now it tries to come back, it is tormenting with the false "good feeling", but the fact that it feels, well, odd in my chest, like anxiety "odd", I know its fake.And from the fear * that I have anxiety attached to it* I know this is all not real, it can cause feelings which just feel too real, but the fact that it goes with anxiety gives it away.

You know, this part is especially hard for me, because I hate to be touched by anyone, and it just feels bad but I still want a boyfriend...so I think you know where I am going with this.Its hard for me because I normally hate being thouched and when a girl touches me of course the hocd sometimes turns back on telling me it feels nice while not.So, today I felt like in 100% confusion, because this feelings are awful, but the fact that I had clear days helped a lot.

Just never give up.Sorry if this post got long and its mostly rumbling, I hope it helps a bit. :)

14-12-17, 16:45
So you're saying that you want a boyfriend so the hocd is real? Sorry I'm a bit confused, everything comes with anxiety, when I'm anxious I get groinal responses, like when I had a meeting in was anxious about the other day I had it

17-12-17, 11:47
Sorry that part was really mixed up, I was not feeling well.The point is thatsometimes ocd feels too real, just agree and go on, this is the hardest and most tormenting part, but it is worth.

17-12-17, 13:18
That's ok, how do you mean to agree with it? Thanks

22-12-17, 17:32
I mean it like, notice the thought as OCD thoughts, so not your own, identify them.Then just say: "yeah, sure, whatever you say" and let them pass. Sometimes I questioned back.
OCD: "I know You 'd totally date her".

Me: 'yup, sure, I'd only date her, you know what? Her too."

Aaaand it got bored of it after a good while.But I have to say this was the most torturing, souls wrecking part and it took months.And all of it will seem very, very very very real.But they are not. Now I dont even have thoughts. 1-2 per day at maximum. It feels as if I can finally breathe. I want you to feel this too.
Have you read the story 'Happy Kevin" ? Its about HOCD but works just as well with POCD, please give it a try. That story helped me through all this.