View Full Version : Pain and tightness in neck scared it's lymphoma

17-11-17, 12:14
So the other day I was laying down in my bed. I had my body laying flat on the bed with my neck up against the wall. It was a bad position to be in but I was on my phone. Next thing I know i get what felt like a SPASM on both sides of my neck. Like a painful tightening gripping pain for a few seconds then it stopped. I thought ok it's a muscle SPASM because my neck was in an awkward position. Buy the hypochondriac in me said well maybe it was lymph nodes causing the pain. So I started poking and prodding for a week. I dug way far back in to my neck
I felt something hard like bone on both sides of my neck. I freaked and went to the doc who PALPATED my neck and said I feel no pathology in your neck. He said your anxious here's prozac and klonopin. He offered an ultrasound for my own peace of mind but didn't think it would yield anything. but I said I trusted him and didn't want to put myself through that. I have tightness under my chin, jaw, neck on both sides, back of the neck . I get these waves of light spasms but I can't tell where there coming from. It happens on both sides but I can't for the life of me pinpoint the pain or the cause. My nodes are not swollen from what I feel. I'm looking it. I feel like I have a scarf around my neck . It's annoying. Could this be a head and neck cancer or lymphoma. I take a flash light to my mouth and do an oral check of my throat, younge, gums, tonsils, floor of mouth. I also paplpate my nodes daily. I'm not horse, no sore throat. I have sinus issues but that's it. Oh and also I found that I have found small balls in my cheek along my jaw line, two on each sides of my face, same size. My son has them too. Are these normal. Does anyone else feel them in there cheeks along your lower jaw area. It would help to know others had them too so I don't go off the deep end. Scared I have either Hodgkin, salivary gland cancer, nasopharganeal cancer, tounge cancer, etc.etc.. I do have tight neck muscles in the back of my neck from carrying my baby who is 25 pounds now. My ha has taken over And I'm scared this pain and tightness is insidious. The only thing that makes me feel a bit better is the pain and tightness spasm is the exact same on both sides of my neck. It's driving me mad. I can't wear scarves or turtlenecks. Pain killers don't help. I will be trying a muscle relaxer. I'm very worried. Might get the ultrasound. God I'm sick of tests.




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