View Full Version : anxiety after drinking coffee

17-11-17, 15:34
Does anyone else get this? I love coffee. I try to do the half decaf and half regular, and only drink half a cup. It seems that it still effects me. Today I had regular coffee, then was rushing around trying to get myself and my son ready for school. I stopped for a second and got a few flutters in my heart. Does anyone else find coffee makes them anxious or panicky. I hope i'll be able to drink it again in the future. For now, I'll need to switch to decaf :(:ohmy:

17-11-17, 15:43
Yes, caffeine is a known anxiety trigger. I used to be able to drink it all day, but lately even one cup can give me classic anxiety symptoms (racing heart, feeling overheated, chest tightness). It also now irritates my stomach, so I should just give it up entirely, but I really do enjoy the taste. I find black tea is a little gentler even than half-caf if you still want a bit of caffeine.

17-11-17, 15:55
Hi. Yes coffee affects me really badly anxiety-wise. I find that tea is fine and I've noticed that my moods are a lot more stable when I stick to tea and sodas seem fine too. I had my coffee pretty strong though. Shame as I love it, but it messes with my anxiety levels, sleep and moods.

17-11-17, 16:07
Ok, I do think i'm going to have to reduce my intake in the mornings. Maybe just a sip or two of decaf and then toss the rest out. I already have anxiety and panic disorder. I don't need to add fuel to the fire. It really is too bad since I love coffee so much.

17-11-17, 22:00
I know why what you mean, and anxiety is said to be a side effect of caffiene. I haven't completely cut it out, as it doesn't always bother me. I try to avoid it with pms symptoms or around my period (can make you more anxious) and on particular anxious days. Like today I was stressed and anxious and I really should my have had a coffee and two teas, nearly went straight into panic! So try not to worry it does do this, try switching to decaf if it's unbearable :)

17-11-17, 22:02
Does anyone else get this? I love coffee. I try to do the half decaf and half regular, and only drink half a cup. It seems that it still effects me. Today I had regular coffee, then was rushing around trying to get myself and my son ready for school. I stopped for a second and got a few flutters in my heart. Does anyone else find coffee makes them anxious or panicky. I hope i'll be able to drink it again in the future. For now, I'll need to switch to decaf :(:ohmy:

I sure get this, but I still do it anyway. I also get agitated, but it helps control my appetite.:)

18-11-17, 04:37
Reduce the caffeine strength.

Initially tea did the same to me but as my anxiety improved I found it no longer bothered me anymore so I'm back to my old tea drinking days.

19-11-17, 15:55
I'll tell you what I drink.... fruit and herbal teas. Mainly peppermint, camomile or ginger.
I honestly haven't had a cup of tea or coffee for about 20 years. Don't know if they are better for anxiety but I prefer the taste of them. I wouldn't drink caffeine loaded coffee if my life depended on it. I didn't give up because of anx but I would never go back because I know what it can do.

Chris 614
21-11-17, 13:21
I stopped drinking regular coffee thirty years ago because it added to my anxiety and panic attacks. I really enjoy the taste of coffee and do well with decaf. I used to drink decaf every day, but now only a few cups a week.

21-11-17, 15:35
Yep, I'm just coming to terms with this. I still drink it because I love it, but I will have to stay away or switch to decaf during anxious times :(

21-11-17, 16:51
I get a lot of umncomfortable and nasty muscle tensions from it - sensations that in my paranoid mind turns into cancer symptoms. I know I should stop it, but I need it to keep awake.

21-11-17, 18:52
Coffee is horrible for anxiety. I don't know why anyone would deliberately do it to themselves

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(left myself wide open there, didn't I?)

21-11-17, 20:05
Coffee is horrible for anxiety. I don't know why anyone would deliberately do it to themselves

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(left myself wide open there, didn't I?)

Addiction, thats why.

21-11-17, 20:09
Addiction, thats why.

Pfft, caffeine is barely addictive, and the payoff is minimal

21-11-17, 20:26
Pfft, caffeine is barely addictive, and the payoff is minimal

You have obviously never been addicted to caffeine I can see.

au Lait
21-11-17, 21:45
Yes, it can trigger panic attacks for me. I try to stick to decaf or hot chocolate but sometimes I say the heck with it and get a regular coffee. I pretty much always regret it later as I’ll feel panicky the rest of the day. It causes my heart to flutter as well.

21-11-17, 22:32
This thread is one step away from "my thumb hurts when I hit it with a hammer ..."

22-11-17, 00:36
This thread is one step away from "my thumb hurts when I hit it with a hammer ..."

I tolerate caffeine fine and have done for ages. Not sure I would want to test the hammer out :biggrin:

23-11-17, 13:35
Caffeine is cure for all my problems.
Caffeine makes me really calm, sleepy, zero anxiety, OCD symptoms reduce about 75% and lifts my mood so much. My blood pressure goes up when I drink about 10 cups coffee in a few hours, but usually I drink 5-6 cups of coffee. Even my psychiatrist didn't give me any meds, because caffeine cures all my mental problems. Also, I'm really addicted to caffeine from age 6 or 7. 8 hours without caffeine gives me extreme headache.

11-10-21, 08:29
Had this too but better now, I took like 6 months completely off coffee then phased in back in to find a happy medium. Now I just have 1 cup in the morning which works: pinch of salt, 1/4 cream, 1/2 coffee & 1/4 hot water.

11-10-21, 17:24
Had this too but better now, I took like 6 months completely off coffee then phased in back in to find a happy medium. Now I just have 1 cup in the morning which works: pinch of salt, 1/4 cream, 1/2 coffee & 1/4 hot water.

Salt? Not sure I'd like that