View Full Version : Can anyone help

20-06-07, 12:17
Im so fed up now I am not fully in control the past week ive been having serious anxiety attacks ive been kept awake the past 4 nights and I do not knows whats happening to me.

1st things 1st the attacks come on quite rapidly - ive been worried about my partner as i didnt hear from him in a day or 2 and from then ive been waiting constantly for him to text - that night i couldnt sleep all sorts have been going through my head is he ok, is it me, and beating myself up about it hence I couldnt sleep. I had sharp shooting pains in my head 'ive not had these before' and pains in my chest.

The following day he replied i slept fine but the next day 'last night' it was twice as bad the head pains were unbelievable, i kept jerking myself a wake, i read a book until it was time to go to work.

Im constantly afraid bad things are going to happen to me! i cry very easily and i have no one to talk to infact im trying to be strong my family have no idea how messed up i feel - my mum wouldnt give me the time of day and the only person i can chat to is my 78 year old nan who i dont want to worry

any ideas


20-06-07, 12:38
Hi Frankie,

sorry to hear your having a heard time lately, there are always people here to help, who can listen to you when your feeling like this - i have been like this plenty of times before so i know how you feel - feel free to pm me.

take care


20-06-07, 14:38
Hi sorry to hear your having a bad time at the moment :hugs:

I know what you are going through with problems sleeping, its got so bad i have asked my hubby to go into the spare room, so when I wake up panicky I can put the telly on just to escape the darkness.

its also hard if you have no-one to speak to in real life, my mum will always listen but will then throw comments at me like "worrying is not going to help you know" and I know she doesn't understand, so I have actually not been speaking to her about it. My hubby knows a fraction of what is actually going on as he is not very well at the moment and I try not to worry. My best friend is on a long holiday and have been texting that everything is ok as i don't want her to worry, and I feel its all taken its toll and I am mega anxious and geting myself into much a pickle I am going round in circles.

Do you have a friend who will understand, perhaps a relaxation cd, I have a guided relaxation that helps.

hope your feeling better soon.:)

20-06-07, 14:54
hi there,

im also struggling at he moment so you really must not feel tha tyou are on your own with this:hugs:

also feel free to pm me and we can see if we can help you to feel better

all the best emmaxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

20-06-07, 19:09
Thank you all for the advice ive printed it off to have a read

I will get back to you in due course!!! x