View Full Version : HA has me good this week - Pancreatic! Help?!

17-11-17, 17:01
Well this week hasn't been so good. This weeks topic is pancreatic cancer (previously bowel cancer). I know people can't diagnose nor give medical advice, just looking for some reassurance or if anybody has had anything similar.

I've had bloods done within the last 2 months - more later

About 2 weeks ago was lying in bed and woke up with a sharp pain between my shoulders, which eventually subsided, but as usual, my HA too it by the horns and decided to run with it. Since then, I've had pain in my left shoulder blade, running down into the lumbar region of my back. Seems to be worse sitting down and bending forward. Of course, I took nobody's advice and sought out Dr Google - yep, first thing that sprang up was pancreatic cancer, and now my HA has sprouted another head now the the bowel cancer one has been cut off

Symptoms, shoulder pain, radiating around the inside along the bone edge, dull back pain, mainly left, but occasionally right (beside the spine). occasional right shoulder blade pain (once woke me up, but dropped back off) I know its probably illogical, but is is one of the symptoms, so I'm concerned.

2 lots of bloods taken within 3 months, including the CEA tumour marker.
Results - all ok, including:-

Total bilirubin level (was 8, now 6)
CBC, WBC, platelets all ok,
CEA of 2ug/L
LFT's all ok, except for slightly raised ALT (60, normal level is 40)
U&E all ok
Bone profile ok
also feacal calprotectin ok

Arrgh. Anybody?

17-11-17, 17:31
What could anyone say that scientific medical testing and medical professionals exams haven't? I don't doubt you're having physical symptoms, they're just not caused by anything physically sinister.

We all get niggles of pain and such. It's just the human condition.

Positive thoughts

17-11-17, 18:31
Thanks. I'm 43 now, but up until 6 months ago, never felt anxiety like this. You think you're invincible when your in your 20s and 30s, but hitting 40 brings home the fact you aren't getting any younger

17-11-17, 18:51
Thanks. I'm 43 now, but up until 6 months ago, never felt anxiety like this. You think you're invincible when your in your 20s and 30s, but hitting 40 brings home the fact you aren't getting any younger

Heck, I'm 58 and have health issues... I'm a freaking walking snap, crackle, pop, creak and groan factory!

Positive thoughts