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View Full Version : Pain in upper arm and chest (left)

17-11-17, 20:23
So I've had some issues with pain in my chest and arm for a long time, I've been to the doctor but since I was at that point suffering from back pain as well he only checked my back (found out I have a flat back, but these symptoms don't match with a flat back).
It's a numb pain in my left breast, it feels sore, and my left arm constantly feels kinda sore as well, especially my upper arm. I've googled that these are possible signs of anxiety, but I just wondered if anyone else has had these symptoms or what else it might be? I might go back to the doctor just to be sure, but I don't like coming there too often, afraid to annoy them. I have to point out that sometimes I don't feel it for a few hours, but it suddenly comes up, also when I'm not thinking about it. I always feel it when I wake up. I've tried different sleeping positions but that hasn't changed anything.

Please, does anyon recognize this or know what it might be?

17-11-17, 22:48
Well I don't have breasts :) , but I do have something that feels similar.

It feels to me like it's a problem with the pectoral muscle, that runs from the sternum across the chest and attaches to the upper arm (on the inside of the arm, just between the bicep and tricep, about 1/3 down the upper arm).
I've been having this for about a month or so now. Just like you, it's a numb, low level pain/soreness that comes and goes. It's showing up less often recently, but it still comes up once a day or so.
I don't know exactly what's causing it, maybe some sort of muscle strain/tension?