View Full Version : 'Pregnancy hypochondria'?

17-11-17, 21:24
Hi all,

I'm a 21 year old female and have just become sexually active about two months ago. I always guessed that my health anxiety would also lead to pregnancy anxieties because I've always said that two of my biggest fears are ironically getting pregnant when I don't want to be, and not being able to get pregnant when I do. I'm very cautious, and I won't let my boyfriend have intercourse with me unless he wears a condom (I have been meaning to make an appointment to get on the pill as I want to use both methods but because of my health anxiety I worry about the side effects). I don't really want to be too graphic, but I'm sure we're all adults but I'll try to keep it as simple as I can. Since my last period I haven't done much, but I did let rub his thing near my area (he didn't ejacualte) and he didn't go in me at all. Also this was like the day I came off my period so even if something did get in there, I have cycles on the longer side so I know it's unlikely. I also know getting pregnant from 'precum' is unlikely but it's not like he was even in me, but my brain tells me it's possible so I'm freaking out.

We attempted at sex a couple weeks ago but he didn't really go in (it still hurts a bit for me) and he was wearing a condom (and it was an extra thick and extra safe one too) and he didn't ejaculate at all.

It's day 36 and I'm only like a couple day late off of what my app predicted, but I've flown blown worried about it. And to be honest, it's not that unusual for me go this long either, my average cycle is like 34 days, and sometimes it shifts here and there, so if I haven't had sex I wouldn't even flicker an eyelid at it being unusual. I've been telling myself at I'm being ridiculous because the chances are so slim, as I would have had to got pregnant from precum and at odd times in my cycle.

So in a way I know I'm being ridiculous but I'm proper panicking and it reminds of the same horrible anxieties I get when I convince myself I have a type of the big C or something. Like I know it's unlikely, but I've convinced myself anyway. And I know my stressing isn't going to help and will only if anything make my period later .

Any advice? I could probably be sterilised and still worry about this!!

Thanks everyone

17-11-17, 21:29
Hi! As a girl near your age, I'd REALLY encourage you to work through these fears so you can enjoy a relationship with your partner. Condoms are really effective, don't worry so much! And in the off chance that a condom breaks, you can get Plan B. I would also encourage you to think about an IUD-a lot less side effects than a pill! Also I've struggled with the pain and I can chat with you about that if you PM me, I suggest you work on that too!

17-11-17, 22:02
Thanks for your reply! Being on these forums is making me feel a bit better already as I know what we are all like, we panic about everything, even if it is so unlikely!!!