View Full Version : help me so worried about my chest

18-11-17, 00:38
okay so for a few weeks, to cope with stomach pain and anxiety I would hit myself in my chest which I know was a bad idea but it put my mind on something else at the time. now everytime I touch my chest it hurts and I'm scared I'm gonna die in my sleep from a heart attack or something and I also googled signs of death and now I'm paranoid and this is just bad I'm so worried and scared and I don't wanna die. it doesn't hurt when I breathe or anything, just when I touch my chest. and I feel very weak and I'm scared that means I'm gonna die, maybe I just feel weak because I've had an anxious week. someone help though I'm so so paranoid

18-11-17, 00:53
Google has really turned to crap, one time you could get good answers. Now its just symptoms this, symptoms that. It seems, going by google, every damn thing has around the same symptoms. Like call 000 if you have this and that, and your like, i have that, then anxiety takes over. As of today, i have decided not to google anything to do with the body, brain, heart, blood pressure and the rest that goes with it.

I think if you had a enlarged heart and you hit your self in the chest, then you would have something to be concerned about. If you have hurt your chest from hitting it, then im guessing you have hurt a muscle or something related to that. Muscles around the chest or rib cage take awhile to go away. I think your body mite be saying enough chest hitting. If you have had a anxious week, then yes, it totally drains you. I am so tied after a week of anxiety. Maybe duck down to your DR and ask mate, set your mind at ease.