View Full Version : Anyone else assume all right lower abdominal pain is your appendix?

18-11-17, 00:41
If so, how do you deal and keep yourself from automatically rushing to ER?

18-11-17, 01:03
I can't say I've had this, but I have had appendicitis.

Usually, appendix pain is pretty excruciating - certainly when I had it I was incapable of doing much but lying in bed groaning. Also, I couldn't eat or drink anything without throwing it back up.
While you can have more chronic appendix pain, that's not normally an emergency - if you do have acute appendicitis, it'll move quite fast and you'll be in no doubt that something is very wrong within just a few hours.

Also, most appendix pain actually starts in the middle of your abdomen and not the right.

I know 'don't worry about it' is probably futile advice around these parts, but my advice is if you get these random pains, wait it out for a few hours. It'll probably sort itself out (indigestion or something) or it'll get unmistakeably worse, in which case yes, get yourself to ER.

FWIW, as long as you can get treated within a reasonable timeframe (a day or two), then appendicitis is really not much to worry about - it's usually as close to a routine procedure as you can get, surgeons see it all the time and it's very easily treatable. Mine ended up being about as bad is it can get and I was still back at work within two weeks.

18-11-17, 01:20
I have ibs if I thought every time
I got a bad belly It was my appendix I would be down the hospital constantly lol

Seriously you'll know if it's appendix my son had his out about a year ago, keep calm

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18-11-17, 01:40
I used to, until I had a kidney stone. Now I know it’s not :roflmao: