View Full Version : Massive brain tumour fear

18-11-17, 05:24
Hello, for about 5 months now I’ve been on 40mg of propranolol and 20mg citalopram to battle my health anxiety and palpitations, and it’s done a great job up until now where I’ve got a massive fear of having a brain tumour... I get the occasional ache more to th left side of my head and my main worry (symptom) is my speech I mix sentences up and I don’t know if I’m just so focused on seeing if I screw up? That I do it... I also put my belt on wrongly for Work and didn’t realise until I got there the buckle was one place over to the right of my pants, like why would I not notice that. I hate going to the docs as I’ve been quite a lot this year and most recently had a 24 hour blood pressure monitor as my readings was high when I was there 150/94 but I’ve not heard of them since i handed it in 4 days ago so assuming it’s fine, was getting measurements while resting at home like 115/58 anyway back to the topic. My girlfriends due our baby today and I don’t want to be panicking about my health while I’ve got her to look out for and caring for our newborn but something just keeps nagging away at me about this :(

18-11-17, 10:38
Hi there,

Around 2-3 years ago I had the exact same worry as you. I was convinced I had a brain tumour to the point I was anticipating fainting or having a seizure! This all went crazy after I had an increase in floaters in my vision and the doctor said I was fine. I have started now to get zaps on one side of my head, shooting pains all over my body and my left leg is worrying me because it is achy. Don’t google, it is the worst thing you can do! These pains are totally normal and will go soon. Don’t worry if they don’t go tomorrow or the day after or if they stay. Only go if you feel extremely painful headaches or nausea. I can definitely say you won’t experience this but that’s just an example of when to worry. Congratulations on the new arrival, once they are here you will be focusing on them and you will find your symptoms will disappear! :)

18-11-17, 11:20
My dad died of a brain tumour (aged 36 - rare), so I've seen it first hand

He didn't mix up sentences, he started talking absolute garbage - I remember it vividly. He mentioned putting knitted covers on lightbulbs, and random, nonsensical stuff.

I don't think you've anything to worry about, I often mix up my sentences if stressed or tired

18-11-17, 20:05
I too went through months of this fear. I researched ALOT and your symptoms sound more stress related than anything else. A constant sense of fear and stress will affect your speech and even fine motor skills. Brain tumour symptoms are usually very obvious and debilitating...black outs, seizures, falling down etc etc. Google stress affecting speech and you will see xx