View Full Version : Vertigo, not worried, just curious.

18-11-17, 16:34
Good morning, I have noticed this morning that I have some vertigo and am slightly off balance when I am up and moving about.

Now, I happen to have had an MRI two weeks ago, and am absolutely confident I have neither MS nor a tumor, as literally both were ruled out in the search for something else causing my tinnitus. So, not really worried here, just curious and refuse to google as I am sure then I will "suddenly develop some rare tropical virus" 4 people a year get in central Africa. Anxiety always makes us the exception to the rule. So, no google for me.

Anyway, have not had a cold or allergies, no fullness of ear or ear pain to indicate an ear infection, I was curious if you guys had any experience with anxiety or other benign causes of being slightly off balance?

19-11-17, 23:57
I’m curious about this too! I’ve had my MS scare, but had an MRI back in September, no tumor, 2 neuros said it wasn’t MS. But yet I get bouts of vertigo and I have been off balance for a few months....a lot of people seem to think BBPV would be the culprit or even anxiety, I have anxiety and health anxiety, so since there is no physical problem, I believe anxiety is the cause for my off balance issues, though I constantly have fluid in my ears so that could be the answer as well. I know my answer doesn’t help much but I’m in the same boat.

20-11-17, 00:44
I had a 2 month bout of dizziness, and I to suffer with tinnitus (and glue ear). My HA made it a lot worst than it actually was, once I learnt to cope with the panic it would make me feel it went away. Dizziness is quite common when if comes to ear problems as your balance centre is there.

Hope it all sorts out for you