View Full Version : HIV or other serious illness scare

18-11-17, 18:34
Some months ago i had unprotected sex with 2 girls in my area. About some weeks after this i saw that i had gotten a white coating on my tongue and startet looking up the symptoms at google. Which is fking dumb already.

I found out that white tongue and yellow tongue is connected to HIV and is rather unusual in generall. However thats only when the tongue is really coated like with thrush etc. In the start i felt really bad about this and I almost convinced myself that i had HIV. after some time i got to my doctor to check my tongue and he said that it was fine. However Ive also been feeling quite ill in generall in adittion to this tongue thing, so we ran blood tests and checked my for multiple stuff like: Lack of Iron , vitamins and minerals, STDs checks and infection tests. After 2 weeks of waiting for the results, these all came back good, and there was nothing wrong with them. These tests was done in october and i had the sex in July. However I still feel kinda off and with low energy, its just like there is something thats not right.

My question is: Is it a possibility that my mind and severe stress about this situation has drained me completely for energy and made my symptoms worse? For some time i was completely drained and i had no energy to do anything at all, also my apetite was very bad and i didnt feel like eating anything.

Before this insident, I was a very active young male (22 years old) who loved training 6-7 days a week and had lots of energy. Now ive dropped 6 kgs and I feel like Im kinda losing myself. When I go to the gym to exercise now, I feel very low of energy and im becoming more depressed because of this and how important good exercise really is for me. It also affects my schoolwork as im in Uni at my 3rd year and soon to be done as a teacher. I really view myself as an positive boy with plenty of energy, but this tongue problem and lack of energy, ability to focus and feeling of feeling down, has really brought me to a shitty spot.

Im glad that the test results came back positive, and Im trying to focus and that, but its dificult when my mind is telling me that im still sick. Im going to see a doctor once more, to completely shut this door, but I just really want to come back to my normal ways of living as soon as possible.

Thank you for comments and views on this in advance. My english is not that good, since im from Norway.

19-11-17, 04:19
all you can do is wait for the test results. And trust them.And from now on, don't have unprotected sex since you are so worried about hiv. Just use a condom so you dont have to worry bout it