View Full Version : Constant headaches

18-11-17, 23:05
Hi everyone,

Over the last few weeks, I've been having this little sort of annoying headache that comes and goes every minute or so. If I'm not concentrated on something I'll notice it but if I'm say, reading something I won't feel anything at all, is anyone else like this? I don't know whether it has anything to do with my recent jaw clicking too, which has only just come on in the last few days, my wisdom teeth have been pushing through too but I've had headaches before this? They don't hurt too much the headaches it's more around the annoyance of feeling a sort of pressure all around my head... Do suffer from pretty bad health anxiety and IBS although the health anxiety has mainly gone away (for now), so it could also be down to those too:/

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25-01-18, 02:55
I don’t really have the same thing going on, but I do have anxiety and I get headaches that last me a long time, and then to make it worst I worry that I have a brain tumor or heart problem or something. I guess anxiety does that to you. Maybe meds is the best or some form of relaxation too, I need to try relaxation and maybe meds as well.