View Full Version : Chest pain anxious really upset

19-11-17, 01:57
I feel I'm going mad, I have eaten a lot of bad things today several cakes and pancakes with butter and jam at a coffee morning and then had a fry up for tea at my mums. I had chest pain after eating Friday night and I have been having pain under my gallbladder and in my back. This chest pain is coming and going and lasts for a few seconds in the centre on a scale of 1 to 10 it's about a 3 not going anywhere else, I have just taken gaviscon windeze omeprazole ranititidie paracetamol and diazepam to cover all eventualities. I am very tense. I don't want to dial 999 in case it is just anxiety or wind but on the other hand I don't want to do nothing and risk dying. I am trying to take my mind off it by playing games on the computer in bed sitting up, since writing this no pain, I am not cold and clammy and I have felt like this before and I am still here. I live on my own and anxiety always seems worse at night and my posture is really bad folding my arms into my chest.